The family of the chief

roxy widens her eyes and gasps, the sound was something that the man couldn't decipher as he looked around to find the source of it. of course, he couldn't speak so well anyway, nor could anyone as a person on earth could decipher what was the ability of using the vocal cords.

[I'm sorry. I was running away from someone] she says to him as she quickly turns back around to give him the privacy of changing his clothes and wear the fresh ones.

the man gets up and taps on her shoulder.

when she was standing in front of him, the man looked much taller than she thought he would be. or maybe she is still too short.

[I'm sorry again. I'll go out.] she tells to the man but he holds her by her wrist when she was trying to escape again.

[he is not gone yet.] he lets her know and points towards the window from where he was walking back and forth from.

[he will not leave easily.] she says with a soft raise of her eyebrows.

[he is stubborn] he too comments and catches envy looking at them with furrowed eyebrows. Roxy did not get his deal. why was he so offended about?

[so, you are the new one for this pack. I heard a lot about your grandmother.] roxy nods her head and looks away, not feeling any type of appraisal because of his words.

[Yes. I do know that this civilization is new but my grandmother was not the only reason why you could flourish.] she says and she felt it weird to have jikun being addressed as her grandmother.

[Yes, that is true too.] He says and gestures her to sit on the roughly made bed out of yarns of clothes and wood.

[please. have a seat.] He says with a small smile while roxy gently grabs the opportunity to give her legs some rest.

[do you have any special skills? like your grandmother?] asks sijna as roxy shakes her head as a no.

[no. I am a very sober woman who cannot hunt nor kill. I am although an expert at healing processes.] she says which confuses him by a tad bit.

[how can that be? you are the great jikun's grand-daughter. how— and I almost forgot. what is your name?] the man asks another question while he was still confused.

[my name is roxy.] she says.

[roxy?] he asks her for confirmation, gesturing the letters as she nods her head.

[Yes. roxy.]

[that is a very unique name.] he concludes as roxy bows and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear.

the man was mesmerized by her beauty and gave her the credits. he thought she was best suited with healing than hunting, and her hands looked so delicate to him that he could not imagine a single animal scratch on them which shall upset him deeply.

[I think he went away.] roxy says to him while sijna nods his head and checks the outside through his window.

[he went away.]

[I will leave now too. and...thank you for letting me stay.] she takes the little break in explaing to him through gestures because she was a bit confused if thank you's were allowed in here or not.

[no problem.] the man waves his hands and roxy thanks him again before walking out and taking brisk steps towards her new hut.

this time though, she checked around everywhere and found that there was nothing to confirm that it belonged to anyone. smiling, she enters the bombastically cool area as she plops herself onto the bed structue.

she swore she almost let out a satisfying sound when her back hit the softness of the bed. in hell, everyone except for sloth had possessed only beds made up of rocks and big boulders.

she stretches herself and bites down on her bottom lip to contain any sounds from escaping her lips.

when she notices, there was a small drape system over the window which was created to protect the privacy of the people who wanted that to be safe. especially women.

roxy goes towards it and plays with that until she sees a few people passing by and smiling at her, meaning they were laughing at her childishness. and that made her to close the drape once and for all, being embarrassed as she slapped her forehead.

a few hours later, roxy was called over to have some dinner. it was leah who told her and came to collect her.

[my parents will be seeing you] she says, roxy was suddenly getting goosebumps over her skin.

[are they very strict?] asks roxy while leah chooses not to respond to her question.

roxy immediately gets to learn that leah's perfectionism comes from her parents who were currently yelling at the waiters who were serving them the food. the king of this tribe, yen ghinshi and his wife, the mother of leah, opa ghinshi.

yen was almost about to slap the worker but roxy quickly makes a sound with the utensils to distract them, loud enough to do so.

with the same fiery eyes, yen glares at roxy who dared to disturb his process of teaching a lesson to the under-trained worker.

[you have no business in this. stay out of it, stranger.] says yen which takes roxy aback. of course she was angry but she knew it had a cost.

[they can be taught, but not through anger.] she says, indirectly infuriating the leader of the civilization.

yen briskly walks around the place, around the placements of the food in front of them and reaches roxy to look at her in the eyes and glare at her.

[I told you, stay out of this.]

[my grandmother was lady jikun. you must know about her, and you shall also know this about me that u do not tolerate such behavior. this civilization is just as protected as I shall be. I am your healer after all.] she says in a strict gesture and her words were profound.

[I don't see any healer in you.] he says which enraged roxy more than she thought it would.

she breathes loudly and goes around to find the aloe vera and takes the injured hand of leah and presses the cut surface of the aloevera leaf over her open wound. roxy then proceeds to chant a small mantra she was taught while she used her powers of the underground to heal the wound.

the crowd around her gasps loudly when she removes the leaf and behind the sticky substance was a fully healed hand. leah was torbid about the woman, but she was staying as strong as possible.

[impossible...] the leader looks at roxy with big eyes.

[I think I may have proved my point. let me down, and I will simply walk away and go somewhere else, somewhere where people need me.] dropping her hands down, she walks away, having no mood to eat now.

on the way to her hut, she bumps into sijna who had been spectating everything from afar.

[are you okay? I know that the chief and his whole family are abit low with their tempers. don't let that bring you down. you are strong, I can see that.] the male expresses as roxy thanks him for his wise words but she still did not want to eat food.

she even concerned gluttony who later shows up at her doorstep with a platter of fruits and rice as a meal.

"roxy, you'll get weak here without food. the earth is different than our home. come on." He says through telepathy as roxy sighs and shakes her head.

"no, I don't have an appetite now. let me sleep." she says, being as stubborn as ever.

"roxy, you're my favorite girl. and if my favorite girl is not energetic, I'll feel sad. there's also a small event to celebrate the return of their legendary archer, in the form of a healer. that is you, my little witch." He says which makes her heart bubble a bit out of warmth.

she slowly gets up and walks towards the door to attend it.

"good girl." He says with a smile on his face.

"Yes. now come inside. I know you bought this for two." she says while gesturing to the amount of food on the earthen plate.

"you guessed that right. let the door be open." He says and comes to sit on the bed.

"so...did father say anything about my prophecy yet? is this the civilization or the other one?" She asks out of curiosity.

"we don't know anything, roxy. it's Satan, we can't mess with him and get our answers from him. I strongly suggest that we let things happen in its own pace than you be curious about it. I mean, that is how the pillars of fate work, roxy. never forget that your dad can easily throw us all into the river reincarnation and we will certainly be nowhere to be found. he can handle things all by himself, we are just his mere creations." he says and reminds her the ultimate power of her dad.
