The sexy French Adonis

Anessa frowned as she chewed on her pen, "Why did we have to send all the guys away?" She brought her forehead to the square, glass dining table and whined, "There were some hot ones too."

Emily hit her on the back of the head with a roll of papers, "Focus Nessa and look alive, the first candidate is coming."

Anessa sat up and mumbled under her breath, "Darniel was two years ago and only one guy, not all men will be like him you know."

Emily begged to differ, "They are all manipulative and cannot be trusted with anything, Steve proved that yesterday."

Darniel was her ex-boyfriend; he betrayed her trust and broke her heart. Emily never told anyone, not even Anessa, exactly why they broke up. She narrowed her eyes at Anessa, "And we don't talk about him, remember?"

Anessa understood that she simply didn't want to talk about him and what happened, but she hated being left in the dark more than anything. She gave her a small salute and sighed, "Right."

The first candidate strutted in wearing dangerously high heels and looked like a Barbie doll with too much plastic. Anessa was the first to greet her, "Hi there, what's your name?"

The drawbacks of having a wannabe Barbie doll as a roommate flashed through Emily's mind and she declined before the woman could even answer Anessa's question.

She shook her head, "Sorry, but no."

This went on for fifteen more candidates until Anessa finally lost it. She quickly got up from the wooden chair and slammed her hands down on the table in anger and frustration.

Emily looked up at her with furrowed brows, "What's up?"

Anessa's right eye twitched as she tightly clenched her fists at her sides, "Don't what's up to me! We've already done 16 persons and we haven't even gotten to the introduction before you send them away!"

She narrowed her eyes at Emily, "Unless, you're doing this to avoid selecting someone to be your roommate."

Anessa was partially right, Emily was trying to avoid selecting someone to be her roommate, but...

"I was trying to avoid picking the wrong roommate," she confessed with a sigh. Emily continued, "I'll be living here for at least two more years so I can't just live with anyone, understand?"

"Fine," Anessa responded, "But you'll have to promise me that you'll give the remaining candidates a chance to at least introduce themselves."

Emily rolled her eyes and slumped in her seat with a huff, "Fine." She loudly groaned, "How many more are there anyway?"

Anessa looked at the pile of application forms she had the candidates fill out, "Should be only two left."

Emily sighed in relief, "Oh thank god."

The women got to introduce themselves as Emily promised, but the answer was no before they even stepped through the door.

Anessa sorted the application forms, "Well, you declined everyone so I guess we'll have to try this again tomorrow."

"Okay!" Emily said a bit too enthusiastically.

Anessa rose a questioning brow and Emily cleared her throat before attempting to sound a bit more disappointed, "I mean...okay."

She got up, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Emily grinned from ear to ear when she reached the bathroom. Everything was going exactly as she planned; she was confident she could get a good job before the next day of candidate interviews.

Anessa was busy packing up the multiple papers on the dining table when her nose was met by a very pleasing minty scent.

Her head shot up almost instantly as a shirtless Adonis walked through the open door. Her mouth instantly fell open and the papers she was sorting fell from her hands and scattered to the ground.

Anessa's eyes greedily took in the guy's exquisite physique as he walked towards her. The dominance that radiated off him made her feel like bending over and calling him daddy.

'Mind out of the gutter, Anessa,' she inwardly warned herself.

Anessa took a deep breath to calm herself, but she couldn't get her legs to stop shaking as he neared the table after picking up some of the papers.

He handed the papers to her, but just as she was about to take them, he spoke and Anessa froze.

"Am I too late?" he questioned with a very deep french accent.

It was the sexiest voice she had ever heard and he was the most delectable man she ever had the pleasure of smelling and seeing.

When he realized she hasn't moved an inch or even blinked since he spoke to her, he couldn't help but ask, "Are you okay?"

Anessa's senses seemed to have rebooted when the most amazing idea entered her head, 'Emily's gonna hate this but, it's time for her to move on.'

She cleared her throat and dared not to meet the handsome man's emerald green eyes, "Uh-I- sorry about that."

Anessa quickly got up, "I-I'll be right back, just have a seat for now."

With that, she raced to where the bathroom was to check on what Emily was currently doing. She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the water running and Emily singing to the music playing on her phone.

Anessa wanted to get the sexy, french Adonis patiently waiting on her in the dining room to sign the roommate contract before her guy-hating friend leaves the shower.

She raced back to the dining room and quickly plopped down in the chair. Anessa smiled dreamily at the man, completely forgetting what she was supposed to be doing.

He was used to women fawning over him, but this woman was just being too weird. He cleared his throat, "So uh, I'm Blake, I just moved here from France and-"

Anessa suddenly shushed him and ran towards the bathroom. "The water stopped running," she whispered to herself.

Anessa continuously glanced behind her as she looked for the contract through the piles of scattered paper. "Don't just sit there, help me look!" she hastily commanded.

Blake started searching through the papers without even knowing what he was looking for and why she was in such a hurry. He looked at the panicked woman, "What am I looking for by the way?"