No, wrong room!

"The contract!" Anessa quickly responded. She heard the bathroom door open and her heart threatened to cartwheel from her chest.

Her smile reached her ears when she finally found it. She handed Blake a pen and handed the contract to him, "Sign here and here."

Blake looked confusingly at her, "Shouldn't we go through the terms first?"

Anessa continuously glanced behind her as cold sweat washed her body, "There's no time, just sign it!"

"Quickly!" she rushed him.

'Is this the crazy woman I'll have to live with?' Blake inwardly questioned as he signed the contract.

The scent of Emily's citrus-scented body wash filled Anessa's nose and goosebumps rose on her skin and the small hairs on her neck stood upright, she could sense that Emily was close.

Anessa's face flushed as she grabbed Blake's wrist and pulled him to the door, "Y-You go get your things, I'll handle things here."

Blake was beyond confused, but he was mostly just happy he found a place close to the university he got transferred to, even though his roommate is a bit crazy.

Just as Blake closed the door Emily rounded the corner. Anessa smiled nervously, "Hey you, how was your shower?"

Emily narrowed her eyes at her, "What did you do?"

Anessa stumbled over her words and made a lot of weird sounds in between, "Me-I-what? I-I didn't anything...I mean do anything."

Emily rolled her eyes, "You're a terrible liar, but whatever, I'll go get dressed first."

Anessa breathed a small sigh of relief when Emily left for her room just as Blake opened the door and lifted in a large box.

"Which room is it?" he questioned, but Anessa didn't hear. She was placed in a trance by his firm biceps and the sexy back muscles that called out to her as he walked towards Emily's room.

Anessa shook her head when she realized where he was going. "No, wrong room!" she yelled, but it was too late...she was going to die!

Blake's brows shot up as he shamelessly took in the figure of the naked brunette in front of him. 'I guess she's the roommate,' he thought to himself.

Emily's back was turned to him, so she had no idea she was being blatantly stared at by the roommate she didn't even know she had.

Anessa ignored the tingles that resonated on her palm as she touched his arm and quietly directed him away from Emily's room.

The door closed and Emily shot her head in that direction. "Nessa?" she called out.

Anessa's eyes widened when she heard Emily call out her name and she quickly took the box from Blake, "Give it to me."

Blake hesitantly handed it to her, "Are you sure? It's kind of heavy."

"I'll be fine," she hastily responded. The veins in her arms appeared and her face turned red as Blake fully placed the weight of the box in her arms.

Blake looked worriedly at her and was about to take the box when she whisper yelled at him to get the rest of his stuff.

Anessa released a breath of air when Blake finally left, "I seriously can't keep doing this, but I need him to fully move in first so Emily can't kick him out."

"Kick out who?" Emily questioned.

Anessa's eyes widened and she slowly turned to face Emily who stood at her bedroom door in baggy blue sweats.

"M-My cat," Anessa responded.

Emily folded her arms, "You're allergic to cats."

Anessa nervously chuckled, "D-Did I say cat? I meant dog."

Emily rose a perfectly arched brow, "And I'm guessing the dog is in the box?"

Anessa nodded in response, hoping that Emily would just drop it already. Emily narrowed her eyes at her, "You're up to something."

Anessa's arm shook from the overwhelming weight of the box and her grip loosened as cold sweat invaded her palms.

Emily plopped down on the couch, "What's wrong Nessa? You look a bit under the weather, why don't you put the box down?"

She shook her head and forced a smile to her face, "No, I'm fine. I'll just go rest this in the spare bedroom."

Just as Anessa was going to the spare bedroom, Emily tripped her, and to break her fall, Anessa had to let go of the box.

The contents of the box spilled out on the floor and to both women's surprise, the box was filled with...other boxes?

Emily took up one of the medium sized black and gold boxes and opened it. Her brows shot up as she took a flogger whip from the box and showed it to Anessa. She hummed, "A cute dog you got here."

Anessa gulped, "I swear that's not mine."

Emily chuckled, "Oh I know, I just needed you to confess that." She ran the strips of leather of the flogger whip along her palm, "Now you're going to tell me who the box of sex toys belong to."

Anessa looked down as she played with her fingers. She slightly jumped when Emily harshly flogged the couch and commanded that she answer her.

Anessa glanced at the door, 'He should be back soon with the rest of his things, so I better say something before things get even more out of control.'

She cleared her throat and finally looked Emily in the eyes, "They belong to your roommate."

Emily tightened her grip on the whip and narrowed her eyes, "I don't have a roommate."

Anessa, with her newfound bravery, took up the signed contract and showed it to Emily, "Well, now you know that you do."

Emily grabbed the contract from her and read the signed name, "B. Garcia." She stared daggers at Anessa, "This better be a girl's name."

"He's gay!" Anessa quickly blurted out.

Emily's angered expression almost immediately vanished and she smiled widely, "Why didn't you say so before?" She looked around excitedly, "Where is he? I can't wait to meet him."

Anessa released a quiet sigh of relief before responding, "He's getting his stuff from downstairs. As a matter of fact, I should go help him."

Emily nodded, "I should too, what kind of roommate would I be if I only let the both of you do all the heavy lifting."