So, her name is Emily?

Anessa began panicking again as she blocked the door, "No...uh...he and I can manage."

She looked around the room and her eyes landed on the black and gold boxes that were still scattered on the floor, "I don't want him to think we were roaming through his stuff, so you can pack up the boxes, and meet us downstairs when you're done."

Emily slowly nodded, "Uh okay, I'll just do that then."

Anessa clutched her chest and released a breath she didn't even know she was holding. She left the apartment, looked down the hall, and there he was with his tongue down a ginger-haired woman's throat.

"Thank God I convinced Emily to stay," Anessa mumbled to herself as she walked towards the kissing duo. 'What if Emily saw him kissing that woman? What excuse would I give her?' she thought to herself.

Blake was obviously a player and from the multiple toys, they found, possibly a sex addict or something too, which made Anessa wonder how she was going to convince a hypersexual young man to pretend to be gay for at least a few days.

"B-Blake?" Anessa called out while shyly tapping on his shoulder.

He detached his lips from the woman he had pressed against the wall and smiled when he turned to see Anessa, "Oh hey, what's up?"

"I need to talk to you," she responded, trying not to look directly at him. 'Why did he have to be so hot?' she inwardly complained.

The woman held onto Blake's chin and made him face her once more. She planted a kiss on his lips and trailed his firm, muscular chest with her index finger, "How about we take this inside my room?"

Blake looked between Anessa and the sexy woman who started flirting with him immediately after bumping into him in the hallway.

The woman, upon seeing the hesitance in Blake's eyes, pulled a few buttons of her top to reveal her alluring cleavage.

He glanced pleadingly at Anessa, "Can't we talk later?"

She frowned, "No! We have to talk right now."

Anessa was a bit disappointed that he would consider choosing a sexual conquest over meeting with her to discuss important matters, but what was she thinking anyway? Blake looked no different than a greek God, how could he be a nice guy?

Blake sighed and removed his hands from the woman's waist. Her mouth fell open in disbelief and she stared dumbfounded at Anessa and Blake who were walking down the opposite end of the hallway.

Anessa tried to hide her smile as she walked beside him to the parking lot, but she couldn't help it! He actually blew off sex to talk to her. She looked dreamily at him and thought to herself, 'Maybe he's not as bad as I thought he was.'

Blake glanced down at her and she blushed as she quickly averted her gaze. He chuckled, "You don't have to always act like that around me you know? It's not like I'm going to hit on you or anything."

Anessa's face got even redder with embarrassment and she couldn't help but think that he didn't find her attractive.

Upon seeing her saddened expression, Blake tried to recover, "What I mean is, I wouldn't hit on you because you're my roommate's friend and it'd be weird. Not because I don't find you attractive because I do."

Anessa laughed and Blake smiled upon seeing that she wasn't upset with him. They stopped under an oak tree in the apartment building's parking lot.

Blake rose a brow after a few minutes have passed and Anessa hadn't said anything. She wasn't sure how to begin and she could barely focus because to her, Blake looked even more glorious in the sunlight.

Anessa rocked back and forth in her position, "I have a very huge favor to ask you."

Blake nodded, urging her to continue. She twiddled her thumbs as she spoke, "I know you just moved here and you don't even know who I am, but it's a life or death situation."

It really was a life or death situation, because if Emily were to find out her roommate wasn't gay, Anessa would be in some serious trouble!

Blake folded his arms and nodded, "Okay, let's get that out of the way first then. Who are you?"

"I'm Anessa Belle, my family owns this apartment complex and I'm Emily's best friend," she responded.

He nodded, "So, her name is Emily?"

Anessa nodded profusely, "Yes, but that's not important right now. I need you to be gay for a few days."

Blake was completely taken aback by her request. "You want me to what?" he questioned.

"Emily hates men and until the contract is finalized which will only take just a few days, I'll need you to act gay in front of her," Anessa elaborated.

'What kind of woman hates men?' Blake questioned himself.

He furrowed his brows, still trying to understand the situation, "Is she gay?"

Anessa shook her head, "No, but, she's been through a lot with her ex and just wants a break from men right now."

"What would I get in return?" Blake questioned.

"W-What do you want?" Anessa nervously inquired.

Blake whispered something in her ear that caused her face to heat up and flush bright red. "A-Are you sure that's what you want?" she shyly asked him and he nodded.

"O-Okay, I-I'll do it," Anessa replied, but her shyness overpowered the determinedness she wanted evident in her voice.

"So," Blake started, "What will I have to do?" He chuckled as he scratched the back of his head, "I've never pretended to be gay before."

Anessa smiled; even though his request in return was downright even more outrageous, she was glad he complied.

"It's simple really," she started, "All you have to do is not hit on any woman or have sex with them during the time."

She wanted him to abstain from sex for a few days? Such tasks were seen as impossible for sex addicts, but Blake gave Anessa his word and he wasn't going to let her down.