Take your clothes off

Blake sighed as he turned on the flashlight on his phone, "I guess it wasn't the red wire this time."

With all the doors and windows sealed off with a metal wall, they were stuck together in almost pitch darkness if not for the flashlight on Blake's phone.

The flashlight suddenly turned off and Emily looked in Blake's direction through the darkness, "What happened to the light?"

He tried the power button multiple times but the phone refused to turn on. "My phone died."

Emily felt her way through the darkness and plopped down on what she thought was the couch. The hair on the back of her neck stood up when she felt Blake's warm breath against her skin.

Heat rose to her cheeks and she was grateful that the room was dark because she would be even more embarrassed if he caught her blushing.

She quickly got up from his lap but tripped in the process of doing so. Emily released a girly squeal as she fell to the ground.

"Shit," Blake cursed, "Are you okay?"

He had no idea what exactly he was looking at and where his hand was going, but a gentleman would help a girl up.

Blake furrowed his brows as he firmly gripped what felt to him like a round, plump stress ball. He still wasn't sure what he was caressing until Emily smacked his hand away and yelled at him, "Pervert!"

His eyes widened and he quickly withdrew his hand before apologizing at least a million times.

Emily was going to lash out at him, but then she remembered he was a gay man so it was most likely an accident after all.

Emily helped herself off the carpeted floor, "It's okay, it was an accident." She felt around for the long couch and sat just below Anessa's feet, "And I'm sorry for calling you a pervert."

Blake scratched the back of his head and nervously chuckled, "It's fine and I really am sorry for touching your boobs-I mean there."

Emily chuckled to herself, 'This guy can't even say boobs...he must really not be attracted to women.' She was upset at first, but she was a bit happy that her boobs would've been the first Blake has ever touched.

Blake sat on the couch with his eyes focused on one spot in the darkness. He couldn't help but think, 'I wonder how angry she'll be when she finds out I'm not gay.'

Neither knew how long they'd been sitting in the darkness, but the temperature rose to a dangerously high degree.

Emily immediately started to regret wearing sweats and continuously tried to reason with herself when the thought of stripping down to nothing constantly crossed her mind.

Blake wiped the sweat that formed on his brow, "Can't we wake up Anessa and have her do something to fix this?"

Emily rolled the sleeves of her sweatshirt all the way up to her shoulders, "If I could do that we wouldn't have been here this long."

"She's on special medication, so no matter how hard we try, we can't wake her up." she went on to say before explaining Anessa's illness to Blake.

Anessa has been suffering from chronic insomnia since the traumatic experience with her dead grandmother. She takes pills that ensure she gets her full 7 hours of sleep no matter what.

Blake slumped in the single couch as he flung his head back, "There must be another way out of here. If we stay here any longer we're probably gonna get hyperthermia and worst-case scenario: die."

Emily wetted her dry, chapped lips as she got up from the couch to feel her way to the kitchen, "As long as we have water we should be just fine."

Emily tried the refrigerator door, but it refused to open. All the appliances in the apartment were linked to Maria, so when they shut her down, the appliances powered down as well.

"Fucking stupid robot," Emily cursed when no water was coming from the pipe at the sink either.

Blake looked up expectantly when he heard her coming. "Did you find water?" he hopefully questioned.

Emily huffed as she frustratingly folded her arms, "Everything got cut off when we shut Maria down."

Blake returned to his slumped position, "We're gonna die in here."

Emily couldn't argue with him this time. They will surely die of dehydration before morning and it'd be impossible for anyone to sleep under such extreme temperatures.

"Why don't you take them off?" Blake questioned.

Emily looked up in his direction just as she finished rolling her sweatpants from her knees to her mid-thighs. "What?"

"Take your clothes off," he clarified. "You'll feel a lot better."

Emily's face flushed red; she wasn't sure if it was the heat that was getting to her head and affecting her thinking, but she was actually considering his suggestion.

'What am I doing?' she inwardly questioned as she began pulling her sweatshirt over her head.

Emily swore to never take commands from a man ever again, but she did what Blake commanded twice without question in one night!

Her hands paused on the waistband of her sweatpants. 'But he's not commanding me, is he?' she thought to herself.

Emily convinced herself that he couldn't have any ulterior motives and he was just looking out for her by telling her to take off all her clothes, so she pulled off everything else.

It was working!

Emily was so embarrassed from being stark naked in front of a guy she barely knew that she paid little to no attention to how boiling hot the place was.

She wasn't any cooler, but at least she was handling it better.

Her face flushed even more and the heat to her cheeks even rivaled the temperature of the room as she wondered to herself, 'Has he already taken off all his clothes?'

Emily found herself imagining what he would look like naked with sweat rolling down his body. She quickly shook her head to dismiss her inappropriate thoughts.

'I can't be thinking of my gay roommate like that. He's not interested in women and I've already lost my interest in men,' she inwardly reprimanded herself.

A loud ping echoed through the room and two pairs of eyes fell on the spot where Anessa was resting.

"Was that a phone?" Blake questioned.