Guys like you I hate the most

Emily's eyes widened, "That's Anessa's phone." She hurriedly rummaged along Anessa's side until she finally found it.

Using the light from Anessa's phone, Blake found his way to Emily's side. "Can you open it?" he questioned from over her shoulder.

"Yea but..." Emily started, but then she remembered that she was completely naked and he was way too close.

Emily could feel how her red her face was as she stuttered out, "C-Can you step back please."

Blake furrowed his brows, "Why? Is something wrong?"

Emily took a deep breath in attempt to calm her racing heart, "It's nothing, it's just...the place is hot and you're making it hotter." She shook her head, "I mean you standing so close is making it hotter."

Blake was genuinely confused as to why she was acting so weird, but he didn't question her further since it was obvious she was uncomfortable with him being so close to her.

He did just as she requested and backed away from her. "You didn't answer my question earlier. Can you get into the phone?"

Emily frowned as she looked at the phone in her hand. "I can," she started. "But the phone is linked to Maria too so we can't really do anything with it."

Blake frustratingly ran his hand through his messy hair before plopping back down in the single couch, "That robot chick is such a pain in the ass."

Emily chuckled and he rose a brow, "What's so funny?"

The amused smile never left her face as she tried to explain, "You know're gay and you made an ass comment."

Emily was hoping Blake would pick up, but from the silence she deduced that he had no idea what she was talking about or even referring to.

She sighed and waved her hand dismissively, "Nevermind."

Blake, on the other hand, didn't even hear her explanation since there was something weighing on his mind. 'Did I see her naked chest just now?'

When Emily started to explain, she unconsciously began moving her hands about and the light from the phone that was still in her hand exposed her naked chest for a short second, but long enough for Blake to get a good luck.

Blake was sure he saw her boobs, but he had his doubts. 'Gay or not, she wouldn't just strip naked in a dark room with a guy she barely knows right?'

When he told her to take off her clothes, he meant for her to strip down to her underwear. Blake's eyes widened as he looked at her silhouette, 'Could she really be naked right now?'

He was so caught up in his thoughts trying to convince himself that Emily's at least wearing underwear that he didn't realize she was calling out to him until she snapped her fingers in front of his face.

She glared at him, "Hey! What are you dreaming about?"

Blake reached out to Emily to feel her sides to check if she was really naked, but he underestimated just how slender and short she was. From his seated position, his large hands found there way to her round butt cheeks.

He instinctively gave them a small squeeze and went on to question, "Why are you naked?"

Emily's face flushed red and she even dropped the phone as she rose her hand to slap him, but she was off-balanced and ended up falling on top of him.

She gasped and electricity seemed to have ran at the speed of light through her body when she suddenly felt a painful but pleasurable bite to her nipple.

Blake is a certified pervert, he's been so good at keeping his hands, mouth and everything of his to his self, but how could he control himself when a naked woman was on top of him and her right boob was conveniently on his lips?

He ran his wet tongue along her slightly erect nipple and Emily shuddered in pleasure as he practically began devouring her right boob with his skillful mouth.

She wanted to stop him...she needed to stop him, but it felt so good. And strangely familiar?

Small moans left Emily's mouth as Blake contently toyed with her excited nipple with his tongue.

"Darniel," Emily quietly moaned, but it was loud enough that Blake heard.

He took her off him and Emily was tempted to throw herself at him, but she was snapped back into reality when he questioned, "What did you just call me?"

Emily's eyes widened, 'Why did I just...?'

Not only did Emily allow a guy she's only recently met to do what he pleased with her, she also called him her ex's name.

Blake sighed when he realized her lack of response and decided to let it go. He took up the phone from the floor, "Nevermind that." He then turned on the flashlight, "I just figured out how we could probably get this place running again."

Emily stood in the darkness frozen in shock as Blake went over to the metal box with the wires. After their heated moment, he just went on with everything like nothing happened.

'Typical guy,' Emily thought to herself as she glared at the back of his head. She was reminded of one of the primal reasons she hates men. 'They can do anything to a woman and not even give a damn about it.'

While Emily was still unsure about a lot of things like why she allowed Blake to seduce her like that and why she though his lips on her body reminded her of her devil of a ex-boyfriend, but she was at least sure about one thing: Blake Garcia wasn't ever gay.

"Hey!" she called out to him and he pointed the flashlight in her direction. Emily shielded her eyes from the light, "You're not gay, are you?"

Blake smirked, "I like making girls scream and you're gonna scream next if you don't put some clothes on."

Emily quickly covered herself with a blanket as she narrowed her eyes at him. Venom dripped from her tongue as she spoke, "Guys like you I hate the most."