Take me to your little ghostbuster friend

Anessa furrowed her brows, "You don't know? What do you mean?"

Emily sighed, "I've never told this to anyone." "And I'm sorry that I've never told you this before but..." she trailed off.

"I don't remember anything after I moved in with my aunt."

Anessa's eyes widened, "Are you serious? But how?"

Emily shrugged, "I don't know."

By now Anessa's once teary eyes were dried, the sadness in them was replaced by genuine curiosity. "Do you think Hope did something?"

Blake furrowed his brows as the familiar name echoed into his head. "Hope," he repeated in a whisper.

Emily chuckled, "I wouldn't put it past her, but it's not like we can go ask her or anything. I killed her remember?"

Anessa frowned and smacked her best friend's arm, "You didn't and there's no proof that you did."

"But there's no proof that I didn't either," Emily argued.

Hope Vancouver is the aunt Emily was forced to stay with after her grandmother died and the person she was accused of killing.

Hope and Emily didn't have the best relationship so when an anonymous person sent the police a video clip of Emily threatening to kill Hope the day before the woman's finger was found in a pool of her own blood, she became their prime suspect.

With limited concrete evidence, the body still missing and Emily's incapability to remember anything, the case was labeled ongoing and Emily was set free.

Emily clenched her fists, "When they find her body, I'm sure they'll cook up something to pin the murder on me. I'm the only suspect for crying out loud."

Blake chuckled as he leaned against a column by the kitchen, "You're a bitch, but it's hard to see you as a murderer."

Emily rolled her eyes, "Gee thanks."

Anessa held her shoulders, "He's right."

Emily rose a brow and Anessa quickly shook her head, "Not the bitch part, I mean...he's right that you're not a murderer."

"By the way," Blake started. "Why do you hate men if you can't even remember who your ex was?"

Emily's breath hitched in her throat as it suddenly occurred to her that she could not answer that question. Usually, when people asked her why she hated men she would tell them it's because they're selfish, untrustworthy assholes.

She remembered Darniel's name and that he hurt her, but she couldn't recall what exactly he did that completely ruined her.

Emily held her head as she suddenly felt dizzy.

"Are you okay? Emily?" Anessa worriedly questioned, while holding her hand.

Blake caught her just as her body went limp. Her pink lips trembled as she quietly mumbled, "I should hate all of them."

Blake gently placed her down on the couch, "Emily, say something. Are you okay?"

Sweat washed her body as she repeated the same sentence like a mantra, "Darniel, he hurt me...I should hate him...I should hate all of them."

"Emily!" Blake and Anessa continued to call out, but it was like she was in a trance.

Her mind was blank and her eyes and ears were wide open, but she wasn't seeing or hearing anything, only repeating the words, "Darniel, he hurt me...I should hate him...I should hate all of them."

Blake looked at a panicked Anessa, "Has this ever happened before?"

Teary-eyed Anessa frantically shook her head as she shook Emily, trying to force her awake from whatever dream she was trapped in. "I've never seen her like this!"

Blake ran his hand through his hair, "Shit." He cupped her cheeks and brought her lips to his in a gentle kiss.

Emily blinked numerously as she tried registering what was going on. Her face flushed red as she felt the skillful lips move against hers.

She pushed Blake off and slapped him. "What the hell are you doing?" she questioned with wide eyes, still visibly blushing.

Blake smiled as he rubbed his stinging cheek, "I see you're back to normal."

Anessa jumped on Emily, wrapping her arms around her neck as she soaked her shirt with tears, "I'm so glad you're okay."

Emily tried pushing Anessa off her, but she wouldn't budge. She gave up with a sigh but was still very confused as to why Blake kissed her and why Anessa was crying her eyes out.

'Did I almost die or something? I don't remember anything,' she thought to herself.

"What's going on?" she finally questioned. Her face flushed a bit more as she looked at Blake, "W-Why did you kiss me?"

Blake pushed his hands in the pockets of his jeans, "You don't remember anything?"

Emily furrowed her brows as she went into deep thought, "You asked me a question about Darniel, then..."

A deeper crease formed on Emily's forehead as she tried remembering what happened after, "Then everything went dark." She looked up at Blake, "I don't remember anything after that but when I came to, you were kissing me."

Blake frowned, 'She forgot everything after I asked her about that ex of hers. It's like something is keeping her from remembering him and making sure that she doesn't.'

He brought his fingers to his chin, 'Is that even possible?'

Anessa finally pulled away from her, "You couldn't hear us."

Emily looked at her as she continued, "It was like you were possessed or something."

Blake nodded, "Yea, you kept repeating..." He cleared his throat and spoke in a creepy voice, "Darniel hurt me...I should hate everyone."

Emily scrunched up her face, "I didn't sound that creepy did I?"

"Anessa?" she called out when she didn't get a response from her.

Anessa hummed in response and continued tapping away at her phone. "I'm booking an appointment with my exorcist friend for you."

"You have an exorcist friend? So cool," Blake commented.

"Not cool," Emily disagreed. "I don't need to meet with any of your creepy friends, especially the exorcist one."

"You're her friend, doesn't that make you a part of the creepy bunch?" Blake questioned.

"Shut up," she curtly responded.

"Emily," Anessa started. "I've never been as terrified of you as I was a while ago, you really acted like you were possessed and I think to be safe, we should visit the exorcist."

Blake couldn't hold back the amused expression on his face as he agreed with Anessa.

Emily glared at the both of them, but more at Blake before throwing her hands up in surrender, "Fine, whatever. Take me to your little ghostbuster friend."