A breathless, angry woman

'What if I really am possessed? But I don't think I am,' Emily thought to herself as she walked behind Blake and Anessa in the parking lot.

Emily couldn't help but think about all the movies she watched too with exorcists and possessed people. They would burst into flames, their bones would break into pieces or they would feel excruciating pain during the exorcism.

She frowned, 'I'm not liking this idea at all."

Blake turned around just in time to see Emily running in the opposite direction. He chuckled before running after her. "Emily? Where are you going?" he taunted.

"Emily wait!" Anessa yelled before taking off after her too.

Emily forced her feet to move faster and didn't dare look back; the staircase was just up ahead. She was planning to just run upstairs, lock herself into her room, and never come out.

Her already rapidly beating heart picked up its pace when she heard heavy footsteps closing in behind her, but she was so close to the staircase.

Emily pushed forward and managed to get a hold of the metal railing, but the arms firmly wrapped around her small waist stopped her from moving any further.

She looked back at her obstruction with a glare, "Let me go."

Blake held a straight face as he spoke, but the humor was clear in his voice, "Did the ghost invading your body tell you to run?"

"I'm not possessed," she responded through gritted teeth.

Blake sighed and shook his head, totally loving the predicament his roommate was in. "How can I believe what you're saying is honest when I can't tell if it's you or the ghost talking?"

Blake furrowed his brows as he saw Anessa, "What took you so long?"

She patted dry a few droplets of sweat that formed on her forehead, "Try running in 5 inch Louis Vuitton heels."

"Why did you run away?" Anessa questioned Emily.

Emily hmphed and looked away from her. 'I refuse to have someone make me burst into flames,' she thought to herself. She knew Blake would laugh if she voiced her concerns, so she left them to herself.

Anessa sighed at her friend's childish behavior, "Let's head to the car."

Emily looked down at Blake's arms that were wrapped securely around her waist, "You can let go of me now."

"And have you run away again?"

She rolled her eyes, "I'm not a child."

Blake looked at Anessa for approval and she nodded. The second he let go of Emily's waist he latched onto her arm.

Emily looked up at him with a smile and spoke in almost a whisper, "You'll never take me alive."

Blake not hearing clearly what she's saying, furrowed his brows, "What?"

The response never came as Emily mustered all the strength she had in her right foot and aimed at Blake's crotch.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as Blake loudly groaned and released his grip on Emily before collapsing to his knees.

Though Emily desperately wanted to see his reaction to laugh at him, she knew she couldn't idle and quickly took off up the stairs.

Anessa crouched down beside Blake. "Are you okay?" she worriedly questioned.

Blake took quick breaths as he held on to his crotch. "That was a pretty good kick," he said in a strained voice.

She held on to his arm, "Can you stand?"

Blake tried getting up, but a sudden excruciating pain forced him back down, "Not yet." He looked at Anessa, "You go ahead, I'll catch up."

Anessa was hesitant, but she nodded before taking off up the stairs.

Meanwhile, Emily was praising herself as she dashed up the stairs to where her apartment was. "I can't believe that worked," she said in disbelief.

The smile never left her face as she ran along the hallway her apartment was on. 'I wish I could've seen his face,' she thought to herself.

She laughed and spoke through breathlessness, "That's what he gets for making fun of me."

Her apartment door was finally in sight, but Steve just happened to be coming from his apartment. Emily was unable to stop at the speed she was going so she crashed right into the surprised blonde Australian.

Both toppled over to the ground with Steve at the bottom and Emily on top of him. He looked at the beautiful brunette on top of him and wondered, 'Am I dreaming?'

Steve wanted to stay in that position forever with Emily laid down on his chest, her body pressed close to his. He could even feel her soft round breasts how close she was to him and the thought alone got him so excited.

Emily's head finally stopped spinning and she furrowed her brows when she heard Steve's rapidly beating heart. It was pounding so hard against his chest, she could feel it.

'Why is his heart beating so fast?' she internally questioned.

Steve felt her rapidly beating heart as well and smiled in glee, he was sure she was feeling the same as he was.

The elevator door pinged and Emily's head shot up in the direction of the elevator at the end of the hallway where a breathless, angry woman in 5 inch Louis Vuitton heels stood.

Steve, who was too busy enjoying the moment to notice anything, wrapped his arms around Emily's body to trap her to him.

Emily pushed against his firm chest; Steve was also very well built being a model and all. "You pervert! Let go of me!" Emily angrily commanded.

She couldn't raise her hands to slap him since they were held down, so she began moving frantically on top of him, "Release me!"

Steve bit his bottom lip as she moved her lower body against his excited member. Emily had no idea she was arousing the stubborn man below her until she felt something hard poking her thigh.

She abruptly stopped her movements, "Steve...tell me it's your phone poking my thigh."

"I'm sorry, Emily," he embarrassingly apologized.

Emily grimaced as she thought to herself, 'What kind of awful situation have I found myself in?'