But...I forgive you

The sound of heels clicking against the tile got closer and even though Emily knew she was in trouble, she couldn't help but look amusingly at Anessa who was trying her best to run in those ridiculously high heels.

Emily looked at the tense man who had his eyes closed to keep himself under control. "Steve, I need you to let me go," she said in a gentle voice.

He opened his eyes and met her hazel ones. It was his first time seeing her so close and he couldn't help but think out loud, "You're so beautiful."

Emily's face flushed, she did not expect him to say that so suddenly.

A smile rose to Steve's face when he realized she was blushing. He was seeing a whole side of Emily that he's never seen before.

"Emily," he started, but she was busy looking how far away Anessa still was from where she was trapped in the arms of her biggest admirer.

"What is it?" she anxiously questioned.

"Can I kiss you?" Steve dared to question.

Emily looked at him in utter shock and slight confusion, "What? Of course not!"

'What is wrong with Steve today?' she internally questioned.

Steve chuckled; he already knew that would be her response, but he thought they were having a moment so he asked anyway.

His amused expression fell as he trailed off, "About the other day..."

Anessa was getting close and Emily genuinely started to panic, "Can't we talk about that later?"

Steve knew he wouldn't get a chance with her like this again so he declined her request. Emily groaned and rolled her eyes as she urged him to say what he needed to quickly.

Emily's attention wasn't fully on Steve, but she was hearing bits of pieces of what he was saying.

"I was being a selfish idiot, I shouldn't have gone to the Belles about raising the rent." Steve has been talking for quite some time now, but that was the only thing Emily heard.

Anessa's feet were aching from the running she had to do; she would've taken her heels off, but there were at least ten latches on it and it would take her even more time.

Fortunately for her, Steve had Emily trapped to him on the floor, but Anessa could only wish her feet would move faster before Emily somehow convinces Steve to let her go.

"If I say I forgive you, will you let me go?" Emily questioned.

Steve's eyes brightened then dimmed; he didn't want her to just forgive him for the sake of letting her go. "I'll let you go if you honestly forgive me," he negotiated.

Emily furrowed her brows, "How do I do that?"

"Stare deeply into my eyes and say that you forgive me."

Emily wasn't ready to forgive him just yet, but she needed to get away. Anessa was so close that she could smell her citrus scented hair shampoo.

She gave in to Steve's request, "Fine."

Emily stared deeply into his blue eyes as requested, "I have to live with a narcissistic asshole and find a good paying job because of you."

She forced a smile to her face, it wasn't exactly genuine, but she remembered how happy he got the last time she smiled at him.

"But...I forgive you."

Steve's face lit up at her sincere acceptance of his apology, but he still didn't let her go just yet.

Emily looked between Anessa who was very close by and Steve as she nervously chuckled, "Why aren't you letting me go, Steve?"

He grinned, "I think I know how I can fix all your problems."

"That's great, can you let me go now please?" she anxiously responded.

Steve smiled evily as he mustered up a plan in his head, 'First, I'll have to get rid of that shirtless freak.'

Emily saw his creepy smile and started to panic, 'I hope he isn't thinking of anything weird for me to do to get him to let go of me.'

"Steve," she frustratingly called out to him. "Let me go, right now!"

"Oh sorry," he quickly apologised as he let her go. He was so caught up into the plan he was conjuring in his head that he didn't realize he didn't let her go.

Emily quickly got up from on top of him and was about to open her apartment door, but the key was buried deep into her pocket and was acting against her.

She groaned and continuously looked behind her at Anessa who was closing in. "Stupid key," she quietly cursed as she tried unhitching it from whatever it was hitched on in her pocket.

"Steve," Emily called out to him just as he was getting off the floor. She held his arm and looked into his curious blue eyes, "Keep Anessa out of my apartment and I'll..."

Emily thought for a short while before continuing, "Go on a date with you."

Steve had no idea what was going on, but how could he pass up such an opportunity? All he would need to do is keep Anessa out and he'd be guaranteed a date with her.

"Really?" he questioned. Steve was already thinking about the perfect place he would take her, what he would wear and what he would order when Emily snapped her fingers in front of his face.

"Are you doing it or not?" she impatiently questioned.

Steve nodded with a determined smile plastered to his handsome face, "I'll do it!"

Emily smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn't worried at all, she knew Steve would do his job well for the sake of a date with her.

The elevator pinged revealing another unwanted guest. Emily whined, "Why is the universe so mean to me?"

She was sure Steve would manage to hold Anessa back, but Blake too would be a bit of a stretch. It terms of body mass and height, Blake was the alpha male, Steve wouldn't stand a chance.

The key still wouldn't budge so Emily took her jeans off. She was that desperate to get to the safety of her own room.

An amused smile formed on Blake's lips as he saw her shameless action, 'Something is definitely wrong with this woman.'