Blake's big reveal

Steve looked at him with clear amusement on his face, 'There is nothing he can offer me, he must be kidding.'

"Do you really have something to bargain?" Anessa asked in disbelief.

Blake scratched the back of his head with his free hand, "I really didn't want it to come down to this, but since we don't have any other choice, I'll use it."

He sighed and muttered under his breath as he finally pulled his secret weapon from his front pocket, "I guess Emily is going to kill both of us."

Anessa's eyes widened as she covered her mouth, "Oh my god."

Steve had an even more shocked expression upon seeing Blake's big reveal. Multiple thoughts flooded his mind as he only assumed the worst.

'Would my Emily really sleep with this asshole?' he couldn't help but wonder. Steve clenched his fists at his side as he glared at a smug-looking Blake. 'But how else would he have gotten her favorite set of panties?'

The pink lace panties Emily wore the night before dangled off Blake's index finger and Steve even tried reaching out for it, but Blake swiftly withdrew his hand just in time.

Blake rose a brow, "Hey, we haven't even bargained yet, what were you trying to do?"

Steve's glare got even uglier, "How did you get that?" He even dared to question if Blake searched through Emily's dirty laundry.

"Despicable," Steve insulted in disgust.

Blake chuckled, "Don't confuse us, Blondie, I don't need to search through a woman's dirty laundry to get her panties."

Anessa was still too speechless to intervene, she would've never guessed that Blake would have Emily's panties and even have the guts to bargain with Steve with it.

But the big question that weighed on both Steve's and Anessa's minds was how he got it. Steve didn't want to think of the probability of his Emily being intimate with other men so he constantly dismissed the thought.

Anessa on the other hand had her doubts, she refused to believe that Emily would behave intimate with Blake and not tell her about it, but then again, Emily doesn't talk to her about her private life as much as before.

"Seriously Blake," Anessa started. "How did you get her panties?" she went on to question with a flushed face.

Blake smirked, "I wouldn't want to break Blondie's heart so I'll save the story for later." He knew he was pissing Steve off by not saying how he got them, but he had to get back at him somehow for tricking Anessa.

Anessa's face got even redder; she assumed that something erotic took place and her mind burned with anticipation as she couldn't help but wonder how Blake seduced her men-hating friend.

Steve's face was very red too, as red as a tomato, but that was just anger. He wanted to wipe the stupid smirk off Blake's face and beat him until not even the most desperate woman would find him attractive.

Blake sighed as he glanced at his empty wrist, "It's been long enough, are you ready to bargain?"

Steve didn't want to be seen as a pervert for willingly taking Emily's underwear; she'd never talk to him again for sure!

But, how could he leave her favorite pair in the hands of the shameless pervert she is forced to live with?

It was so hard, Steve couldn't decide, but Blake made him make a rash decision when he decided to taunt him.

Blake hummed as he pretended to be talking to himself, "The good thing is if this guy doesn't take these sexy panties I can add it to my collection."

Anessa's eyes widened; she was sure Blake must've been talking about a collection of panties he must've stolen from his past conquests...including Emily!

'He definitely slept with her!' she concluded. But Anessa still couldn't believe it; her plan was working so quickly...Emily will forget about Darniel and her hatred completely very soon.

'I must be the perfect wingman and encourage Blake!'

To Steve's dismay, Anessa wasn't rooting for him anymore, but he wasn't going to give up on stealing the heart and body of the woman he loved.

And he wasn't going to allow Blake to add such a priceless item to his meaningless collection of sluts' underwear.

'He's so despicable!'

'Such a pervert!'

Steve wanted to curse at him, but wouldn't he be those words if he were to take Emily's dirty underwear?

Of course not!

He would be doing a good deed by not allowing Blake to shame her. He would wash them and quietly return them to her drawer.

Steve was sure he was doing the right thing when he finally gave in, "I'll take it; give me the panties and I'll let you in."

A small smile found its way to Blake's face, but just as he was about to hand the pink lace undies to Steve, Anessa latched onto his arm.

"Are you crazy? You can't just give it to him like that, he'll do the same to you he did to me," Anessa tried to reason, but the amused look in Blake's eyes hinted that he had a trick up his sleeve.

Steve quickly grabbed the panties from Blake and immediately started to brag, "As expected, you're just a pretty face. You should've listened to Anessa, you idiot."

Anessa knew it would happen, but she was still struggling to believe that Steve could be so wicked and cold-hearted to trick them like that.

"He made a fool of us again," she mumbled with a sigh, but Blake looked completely unfazed; the smug expression never left his handsome face!

Blake took out his phone, "I'm glad you think I'm a pretty face."

A bright flash went by Steve's face followed by a clicking sound; he furrowed his brows, "D-Did you just take my picture?"

"Yup," Blake responded popping the 'p'. "How else will Emily know where exactly to go to retrieve her favorite panties?"

Steve was speechless, he couldn't believe that a great manipulator like himself could've been manipulated so easily by a shirtless freak!

"Now," Blake started while folding his arms, "Are you ready to bargain with me?"


DollyRoma: Did you guess that it was her underwear? ^ ^ As it relates to how Blake got them and why he has them though, is a mystery you'll just have to keep reading to solve ;)