Don't you ever wear clothes woman?

'How the fuck did I let this happen?' Steve cursed at himself.

Blake looked at Anessa who was silently admiring his brilliance from behind, "Send me Emily's phone number, I'll just inform her right away."

Anessa smiled brightly as she played along by taking out her phone, "Okay, I'll send it to you. Hopefully, Emily doesn't get too mad with who has her underwear."

Steve clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as he internally reprimanded them, 'How dare they make a fool of me?'

'No matter,' he reassured himself as he stepped aside. Blake beat him this time and won the battle, but with his master plan, Steve was sure he already won the war.

Just as Blake was going to go towards the door, he put his foot in the way, "Swear to me you won't send that photo to Emily."

"I already told you not to confuse us, I actually am an honest man."

With that Blake pushed past him and entered the apartment with Anessa in tow. She hurried to his side, "Are you really not going to send the photo to Emily after how much he fooled us?"

Blake smiled, "I wasn't kidding Anessa, I'm an honest man, so I won't show Emily that photo no matter what."

Anessa was a bit disappointed, but she was quite pleased to know how serious he took his promises.

Both looked around the apartment for a brunette woman, but just as they predicted, she locked herself in her room.

Anessa banged against the door and yelled, "Emily? Come on, open up!"

On the other side of the door, Emily was sprawled off on her bed in only a top and her underwear; she didn't bother to put the pants she took off earlier back on.

Emily frowned when she heard Anessa banging on the door and calling out to her. "Blake must've beaten Steve up, there's no way Anessa could've bargained something to Steve worth more than a date with me."

'Could she?'

"Open the door right now!" Anessa yelled.

"Leave me alone!"

Anessa tried reasoning with her that her exorcist friend wouldn't do anything weird and that she wouldn't feel anything, but Emily was hellbent on believing only what she's seen in the movies.

"I could break it down," Blake suggested.

Anessa narrowed her eyes at him, "Why is it always violence with you?"

Confused Blake furrowed his brows, "What do you mean?"

"First, you wanted to beat Steve up," Anessa started to list, "And now you're suggesting to beat up the door."

Emily, whose ear was pressed against the door, eyes widened as she muttered, "Wanted to beat up Steve? So, they didn't fight?"

Anessa took a hairpin from her raven locks, "You already got us in here by bargaining with Steve, I'll handle this."

Blake blinked a few times as he stared blankly at her; she said she'd handle the bargaining with Steve, but failed that. 'Hopefully, she's unexpectedly a lock-picking genius.'

On the other side of the door, Emily was dumbstruck and genuinely curious as to what Blake could've offered Steve that he would willingly throw away what he's been waiting for since she moved to the apartment complex.

Her face flushed, 'Does he somehow have nude photos of me?' Emily certainly wouldn't put it past him...she found him to be that despicable.

Meanwhile, Anessa was doing her best with the lock, she didn't want to disappoint Blake again, but honestly, she has never done anything so criminal in her life!

After ten minutes of Anessa just moving the hairpin around in the lock, Blake couldn't help but ask, "How's it going?"

"Uh...almost there," she lied.

Blake sighed and helped her up from her stooped position, "You're a terrible liar, Anessa." Her mouth opened and closed to retort, but she knew she couldn't convince him that she really did have everything under control.

"I'm sorry," she found herself apologizing.

Blake smiled and patted her head, "Leave everything to me."

Emily's eyes widened from the other side of the door; Blake was about to kick her door from its hinges.

Blake managed to punch a hole in Anessa's bedroom door made of reinforced wood so she was sure he wouldn't even need half that much strength to kick her average door down.

'I don't have any money to pay for a new door either.'

Emily just barely managed to move out of the way with a high-pitched squeal when her door suddenly basically flew from its hinges.

Anessa's head got spinny as she swooned while mumbling to herself, "He's so strong."

Blake stepped over the pieces of board and smirked as he looked at the pissed expression on Emily's face. If looks could kill, Blake would already be six feet under.

He shook his head and sighed as his eyes traveled her lower half, "Don't you ever wear clothes woman?"

Emily rolled her eyes and frowned as she got off the ground, "As if you can talk, I can't recall ever seeing you properly dressed." She folded her arms, "And I hope you know you're paying to get my door repaired."

Blake rose a brow, "Oh?"

While they were arguing back and forth about who was going to pay for the door, Anessa was trying to convince herself that she was indeed seeing things.

'Emily wouldn't just casually talk with a guy she barely met in only a top and her underwear right?'

Her face flushed bright red when she recalled, 'But they've already been intimate with each other so it's only natural.'

"Right Anessa?" both Blake and Emily said at the same time interrupting her chain of thought.

Her cheeks heated up even more when she realized they were looking expectantly at her. She had no idea what they were arguing about so she brought up the matter at hand.

Anessa sterned her face after checking her watch, "We need to reach my friend before the evening rush."

'Why does an exorcism place even have a rush?' Emily wondered, but she already made up her mind to not leave her room.

She folded her arms and rose her chin in defiance, "I'm not going anywhere and you can't force me."

But before she could register what was going on, Emily was off the ground and ended up on Blake's shoulder. "Let me down you pervert!" she angrily commanded as she kicked her feet about.

Blake's heavy hand went down harshly on her exposed butt as he spoke in a calm voice, "Behave."


DollyRoma: There will be a bit of a flashback in the next chapter. I think it's time we all get a small glimpse of the famed Darniel ;)