Played like a fiddle

Hope paced her room and anxiously bit on her nails as she did so. She pulled on her hair and thought in dismay, 'Last night was a disaster, an absolute disaster.'

Last night, she tried having sex with Blake again, but he completely blew her off with the excuse that they needed to finish unpacking before morning. She even changed into something that would get even men with erectile dysfunction hard, but Blake was still beyond uninterested.

Not knowing what else to do, she resorted to alcohol to get him to loosen up a bit, but she ended up being the one who got drunk and incredibly stupid.

Hope slapped her forehead multiple times, "Why did I do that? Why did I do that?"

As no one may have guessed, Hope got desperate and gave Blake his own live porn show by masturbating for him. But in the middle of it, Blake told her he was sleepy so he was going to bed.