(Edited) Option B

Blake thought a while about what he was going to say before starting, "So, uh...there's this girl."

Steve's brows shot up in surprise as he sat upright in his seat and thought, 'Wow, Mr-I-can-get-any-girl-from-just-looking-at-them is asking me for girl's advice, is the world ending?'

"She and I can't stand each other, but lately, she's all I've been able to think about," Blake continued.

"Ask her out," Steve suggested, thinking that Blake only found it weird that a player like himself was crushing on a girl, but that wasn't it all.

Blake ran his hand through his hair, "I don't want to date her, Steve."

"Then what-" Steve paused then he realized what Blake was trying to say. He shrugged, "Then have sex with her."

Blake laughed as he thought,' This guy is seriously trying to get me killed.'

"She hates my guts remember?"

Steve hummed, "Have sex with another girl then to like...flush her out of your system."