(Edited) Blind, dense, and stupid

Milly looked at Blake and Emily from the rearview mirror, "One of you could've come to the front, I don't mind."

"No, it's fine," they simultaneously responded.

Emily frowned and whispered to Blake, "It's best we stay back here in case we have to jump out."

'Now, she wants to be cautious and it was her idea for us to ask random strangers to take us to B-city,' Blake thought. He sighed as he whispered back, "I think Milly is a nice person; not every random stranger would do a two-hour drive trip as a favor to two strangers."

"My point exactly," Emily responded. She had zero faith in option B but suggested it so Blake could see they had no other choice. She didn't expect that someone would actually agree to take them to B-City without compensation.

"There's no such good people in this world."

"Maybe she's the last," Blake argued, but Emily only thought the worst especially since she's Steve's sister.