A bed in a cave

Anessa clenched her eyes shut as the man holding her reached down to take off her pants. Something wet splattered on her face and her chest, and she didn't feel either man touching her anymore.

She slowly opened her eyes to see both men sprawled off on the ground covered in blood. Her eyes widened as she anxiously looked around, but she didn't see who shot them.

Tears flowed like a river from Anessa's eyes as she slumped to the ground. Her breathing was labored and she felt mentally and physically drained.

'What kind of nightmare is this?!' she cried out in her head.

The crunching of leaves sounded to her left and she quickly shot her head in that direction. Due to the sun, she couldn't see the person's face and could only tell the person was a man from the silhouette, but even if it was another bad person, she didn't have the strength to run.

Anessa tucked her knees closer to her exposed chest as he got closer, but she never tore her eyes away.