The troublemakers

Milly stopped in front of the gates of Roma High School where a security guard went to greet them. The stern-faced woman looked at each person in the car before saying, "How may I help you?"

Blake and Emily insisted that Milly let them off at the corner, but she insisted as well to go inside the school since she's a recent graduate there.

"I recently graduated from here," Milly told the female guard. "And I wanted to visit."

The woman unfortunately wasn't swayed and said in a bored tone, "Today is Saturday ma'am, visiting hours are during school hours."

Emily pursed her lips as she whispered to Blake, "Sounds like she got a stick up her ass, what's with the attitude?"

Blake chuckled and Emily remembered she wasn't talking to him for ignoring her earlier. She folded her arms and hmphed as she looked away, "I'm still not talking to you."