Spending the night with the rats

Blake shrugged, "Okay, all this arguing is giving me a headache anyway."

Milly looked pleadingly at Emily, "So, what about you? Can you put your differences aside just for a little while?"

Emily didn't want to seem like the one with the problem so she agreed as well. Milly smiled and went an inch farther, "How about you guys hug it out huh?"

Neither looked interested, so she suggested, "A handshake then?" Milly looked between them, "No?"

"No," Emily said to her. She looked at Blake, "Anyway, I don't think calling Hope would work out for all of us."

Blake folded his arms, "Okay, who else do you have in mind? Do you have friends other than Anessa?"

"I'll have you know that I am not at all offended by that question because I chose to have her as my only friend," Emily told him, before diverting her attention to Milly, "I wanted to hear who Milly had in mind."

"I was thinking of calling my brother," Milly told them and the room fell silent.