Did Victoria send you?

The officer with the scraggy beard smirked as Blake, Emily and Milly rose both hands in the air. "Do you think the gun is fake?" Milly whispered to Emily.

Emily hummed as she looked carefully at the gun in the man's hands. "It looks pretty real," she whispered back.

"No whispering!" the officer with the gun yelled at them.

"I'm sorry, should we talk louder so you can hear too?" Emily sassily questioned.

The officer with the gun glared at her, "That mouth of yours is going to get you fucking killed."

Emily pouted, "Aw thanks for the concern; I had no idea you cared that much."

'Is she seriously taunting someone that has a gun?' Blake thought and warned her to stop, but it was too late...the man had already taken her captive with his gun at her head.

He sinisterly snickered, "Not so chatty anymore, huh?"

Emily silently gasped upon feeling the heavy metal pressed against her head and thought, 'So, it is real.'