Pillows and sheets**

Emily scattered her drawings on the bed, "There were a lot of pictures, but these are the only ones I can remember."

Blake took up each of them, "This guy never looks in the camera huh?"

She took up one of the drawings, "He's facing the camera in this one, but I can't remember his face."

Blake looked at it and furrowed his brows, "It kind of looks creepy not having a face and stuff."

Emily rolled her eyes as she drank the last of her smoothie. She took up the empty jug, "Do you think Hope will be mad we drank all her smoothie?"

"Why? Are you worried she will be?" Blake teased.

"Don't be an idiot," Emily told him before leaving to place the empty containers in the kitchen sink.

Blake continued to look at the pictures and couldn't help but admire her artistry. 'She's an insanely good artist.'

"Why aren't you pursuing art? You're crazy good," he questioned Emily when she re-entered the room.