Anessa killed your baby?

Blake groaned as he slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was Emily staring at him with a sweet but sinister smile on her face.

"Hello," she greeted him in a sing-song voice.

His eyes went wide when he saw that she was naked, and under the covers...he was naked! 'She's naked, I'm naked, that can only mean one thing!' Blake resolved in his head.

Emily giggled, "You don't remember what happened?"

Blake shook his head and Emily smiled and wiggled her eyebrows as she told him, "We had sex."

"And you're fine with that?" he unsurely questioned. The Emily he knew would throw a fit and at least try killing him. 'Unless,' Blake started in his head, but voiced the rest of his thoughts.

"You're not Emily, are you?"

Emily laughed, "Of course, I'm Emily silly, the real one at least."