The perfect gentleman

Back at the restaurant, Emily was finally able to make up her mind, she was going to help Steve realize that the both of them wouldn't work. It was something her other personality would never do, but she thought there was too much hate in her heart for the man seated in front of her.

"You're not going to leave?" Steve asked her, very much thinking that he already knew the answer. But he received a great shock when Emily shook her head.

She took a sip of her iced water before saying, "I have a lot of hate in my heart for you and I want to clear it out. It'll help if you honestly answer all my questions."

"O-Okay," Steve stuttered out still trying to get over his shock of Emily actually trying to work things out with him.

"Why are you so infatuated with me?" she asked first.

Steve's cheeks flushed as he told her, "Other than the obvious reasons of you being insanely gorgeous and sexy, I love everything about you."