Let's bargain

Emily took up the wine bottle and poured more into her glass, "This is some good stuff."

Anessa continued to scan through the menu still trying to make up her mind on what to order. She looked at Emily, "What are you getting?"

Emily stumbled out of her seat, "A trip to the bathroom."

"Sorry about her, she's not usually such an alcoholic," Anessa apologized to Tristan.

His eyes never left Emily as he watched her stumble in the direction of the bathroom. "It's fine." He got up, still keeping his eyes on her, "I'll go see what specials the chef has for today's menu."

"Good idea, I'll come with you," Anessa told him with the hope that she'd be able to avoid sitting alone with Steve.

"It's fine...you can stay here. I won't be long," Tristan told her and walked away before she could beg him to take her with him.