Kill and kill and kill!

Tristan found the timid-looking waiter that poured Emily the red wine and slammed him against the wall with his hand tightly gripped around his neck. "What was in the wine?" he calmly questioned, but the rage was clear as day in his eyes.

"I-I don't know," Micah responded with his voice trembling. "There was just this rich guy and he threatened me to give it to her."

Tristan squeezed tighter without realizing, "Who was he? What did he look like?"

Micah started to struggle to breathe and begged with a strained voice for Tristan to let him go. "P-Please...I-I-I can't breathe."

Tristan let go of him and the young man coughed as he took short gasps of air. "The man is Giovanni Monterro, he's the leader of one of the top gangs around here."

The name wasn't ringing any bells for Tristan, but after getting a good description from Micah, he had a face in mind but was still curious about the motive.