Jealous paranoia

Hope grabbed her by the elbow before she could enter her room, "I asked you a question."

Emily tugged her arm from her grasp, "And I'm late for school."

"You said you were going away, that you'd give the body back to the other personality."

"Things didn't quite go as planned, it seems we'll be seeing a lot more of each other," Emily told her before closing her bedroom door.

"What was that all about?"

Hope smiled as she turned to see Blake and pecked him on the lips, "I was trying to kiss and make up with Emily, but I have a strong feeling she isn't interested."

"Off to the shower?" she asked already changing the topic.

Blake smirked, "Why? Wanna join me?"

Hope giggled, "Do you really have to ask?"

"Go get the water running, I'll be there in a sec."