Darniel's face

The car fell silent again after Emily's question; no one wanted to say anything on the matter. 'Why Steve's mind? Why would they need to use hypnosis on him?'

Emily looked between them, "So the both of you are just not going to say anything?"

"I found a video of a cloaked woman doing weird stuff to me with an antique timepiece. It was on some very old tapes I found when I was clearing a room for Milly," Steve told her.

"Do you still have those tapes?" Emily anxiously questioned.

"I do, you can come over later and I'll show them to you."

Anessa narrowed her eyes at him, "In that case, I'll come too." She smiled, "You promised that you'd show them to me."

Steve glared at her from the rearview mirror but didn't argue as he drove onto the beautiful and elegant campus of Urban City University. After parking in the already almost full parking lot, the trio left the car with much haste, they were very late after all.