Don't you say a word

Emily groaned as she flung random things from under Steve's bed, "There's nothing but junk under here."

Tristan closed the door to the closet, "Nothing here either."

Emily released a frustrated sigh as they plopped down on the bed. "Where do we check next?"

"Well, I didn't finish checking the living room so we can go back there."

Much time had passed and other than the lingerie that once belonged to Darniel, they couldn't find any cameras or anything interesting. Emily gave up and retired to the couch, but Tristan wasn't a quitter so he kept searching this time by knocking on the walls.

"That only works in movies, Tristan," Emily told him.

He continued to knock against the wall listening out for where it could be hollow disregarding Emily's statement. "Things in most movies are taken from real life."

Emily yawned and relaxed her arms behind her head as she closed her eyes, "Wake me up if you find anything."