Madly in love with her

Tristan doubted her hearing but listened to her and didn't take the CD out; his brows shot up when he heard shuffling coming from the speakers of his laptop.

"That's-" he started, but Emily cut him off by shushing him.

The screen was still black, but they started hearing voices speaking in hushed tones. "Are you sure we can trust him?" they heard a voice question...a voice Tristan recognized right away as Victoria's voice.

"We don't have much of a choice, he'll have to do it since we couldn't get to the best friend," another voice responded. The voice belonged to a woman, but it wasn't familiar to either of them.

Emily looked at Tristan and started, "Who is-" but he cut her off by shushing her. She pursed her lips but didn't argue as the woman spoke again.

"What's the story gonna be?"

"He's madly in love with her, obsessed even and the more she hates him the more he loves her."

"A bit cruel don't you think?" the woman questioned.