(Edited) Odd behavior

Steve has been knocking on Emily's door for five minutes straight and even tried calling her, but it was going straight to voicemail. It was unfortunately the same for Anessa's phone.

He ran his hand through his hair, silently wondering if they already left for the party. 'But wouldn't Emily tell me?' Steve internally questioned.

Just as he was going to knock once more, the door opened revealing a very pissed off Blake adorned in a...

"Are you wearing a shirt?" Steve asked in genuine surprise. He cleared his throat when he saw that Blake was only staring blankly at him with a very vicious look in his eyes.

'What's his problem?' Steve wondered before asking, "Do you know where Emily is?"

"I don't," he curtly responded, his french accent standing out a lot more than usual.

"Uh, do you know where she might have gone?"

"I don't."