(Edited) Smoke, alcohol, and sweat

When Steve arrived at the party a few minutes before nine, it was already in full swing with drunk lightheaded young adults past out on the lawn and in the driveway. He stepped over a few bodies on his way to the front door and immediately shield his eyes when bright flashes of colorful light assaulted them.

The air was filthy with smoke, alcohol, and sweat. There were so many people dancing about that it was hard to distinguish between them. Steve ran his hand through his hair, 'How am I supposed to find Emily in this crowd?'

He felt a tap on his shoulder and quickly turned around thinking that it was Emily, but to his disappointment, it was just Hannah, the hostess of the party.

Steve met her earlier at the university, she pulled him into a classroom and started asking him many weird questions about Emily like what she was allergic to, and even stranger ones like if she was afraid of clowns.