CH.26 Ares Mini Quest

"OH! You know me, who am I kidding of course you know me" Ares said with all the smugness of a god.

"yeah now, what do you want," Percy asked angrily.

"Percy!" A yelled.

"s'okay, I don't mind a little attitude long as you know who the boss is," Ares said

"especially when you the one who making him ack like that," I said and then teleported the nearest glass of water to me and then threw it on Percy.

"better," I asked.

"Yeah thanks," he said now mellowed.

The waitress returned with heaping trays of cheeseburgers, fries, onion rings, and chocolate shake. Ares handed her a few gold drachmas making her look nervous. " but these aren't.." she was about to say but Ares pulled out a knife.

"problem, sweetheart?" he asked making her swallow and leave with the gold.

"you can't do that, you cant just threaten people with a knife," Percy said.

'the man is a god I don't think he cares' I thought and started eating.

"are you kidding? I love this country's the best place since Sparta, don't you carry a weapon around punk? You should, dangerous world out there, which brings me to my proposition, I need all of you to do me a favor" Ares said.

"what favor could we do for a god?" Percy asked.

'This isn't good I thought.

'when a god asks for a favor it's never something that they can't do, more like something they don't want to do because there to lazy or bored, but which one is it for Ares" I thought while eyeing Ares and eating.

"something a god doesn't have time to do himself, its nothing much, I left my shield at the abandoned water park here in town I was going on a little… date with my girlfriend, we were interrupted and I left my shield behind, I want you all to fetch it for me," Ares said.

"why-" Percy was about to yell but I cut him off.

"Sure we don't mind," I said still eating.

"What!" Percy yelled looking at me.

"if you don't remember we already have a quest we're on right now," Percy said.

At this point Ares was staring at Percy and most likely showing him things he did not want to see yet he didn't attack, which is weird for a god of his stature to remain so calm, he must be using us for something important.

" I know all about your quest, punk, when the items were stolen in the first place Zeus sent his best out looking for it: Apollo, Athena, Artemis, and me, naturally, if I couldn't d sniff out a weapon that powerful…" are said licking his lips " well if I could find it you got no hope nevertheless I'm trying to give you the benefit of doubt, your dad and I go way back, after all, I'm the one who told him my suspicion about old corpses breath," he said and looked at me at the last part.

I knew what he was doing trying to rile me up, make me give in to the anger but I didn't, I would not let my emotions control me.

"you told him hades stole the bolt?" Percy asked and looked at me.

"sure. framing somebody to start a war. Oldest trick in the book. I recognized it immediately. in a way you got me to thank you for your little quest" are said looking at both me and Percy.

"thanks" Percy grumbled.

I on the other hand stopped eating because I finally figured out what was going on ' Ares stole the bolt, wait for no that wouldn't explain Chronos and him looking for it, no Ares found the bolt from the original person who stole it and instead of bringing it back he's starting a war with gods so he can get more powerful since he's concept is war the more war there is the more powerful he is, and war among all the gods will give him a good power boost big enough to dethrone his dear pops, alright I've gotten that figured out but I'm still missing some pieces, like the original thieve or how Chronos ties into all of this.

"where's the park?" I asked finishing eating

"The water park a mile west on Delancey, you can't miss it, look for the tunnel of love ride," Ares said and grinned.

"what interrupted your date, something scared you off?" Percy asked.

To that question Ares got angrier, baring his teeth he gave Percy a threatening look " you're lucky you meet me a punk and not one of the other Olympians there not as forgiving of rudeness as I am ill meet you back here when you did don't disappoint me" Ares said making Percy and the others fall into a trance.

"you're still awake?" Ares said looking at me.

"yeah, problem," I asked looking at him.

"no, not a single one," he said and then left.

While I waited for the rest of the group to wake up I had some time to think, 'there is only one thing or should I say the person that I can think that would scare off Ares, Hephaestus'.

"one of my favorite gods and unfortunately the saddest one, Hephaestus is the god of fire, blacksmith and another thing the man may not be the strongest god but he's probably the smartest, even on Athenas level, the man's life sucks if, as soon as he was born Hera threw him off Olympus because he was deemed too ugly, making him hit every branch as he was falling, even though he got his revenge, he, in my opinion, was tricked by Zeus into marrying the biggest slut in Greek mythos, Aphrodite'.

'the poor guy has been getting cucked for eons, and Ares is the main guy of Aphrodite, there was a myth about Hephaestus catching Ares and Aphrodite in a golden net when they were doing it, and having all the gods laugh at them'.

'This is what Ares is most likely scared of' I thought.

"sigh, if I was ever reincarnated as him I would ignore all the gods and try to fic all of their mistakes," I said and started looking at the group that was waking up.