Chapter 7

The walk towards the school is rather tense between Noah and Audrey. Besides, neither of them speaks to each other. The young realizes that he should not have presented them so quickly when he was sure that the current passed. The urge to ask Audrey what happened is strong, but he is afraid that she will lose her temper. So, he prefers not to get involved. Meanwhile, the damsel is determined to get rid of Eliza, but she has no idea how to go about it. All she has to do is look for the black beast to make Noah turn away from her best friend for good.

- Are you angry with me? she asks him timidly.

- I would rather say that it is you who do not want to speak to me. You've been quiet since we left Eliza.

- Actually, I thought you would find out why I'm in this state, but I was wrong, she told him, making sure to have a hint of disappointment in her voice.

- You're right about the fact that I don't want to get involved in your arguments. You are the one I have feelings for while Eliza is my best friend.

- It makes me happy to hear you say that you have feelings for me, she goes on, smiling again. It's mutual, you know?

- Would you agree to go out with me if I offered it to you in this case?

- I'm dying to, but it won't be possible for the moment.

- What have I done so that it is not possible at the moment?

- I thought you would have already found the answer. I don't want to get married right away. I don't trust Eliza.

- What did she do that stopped you from going out with me?

- Your best friend doesn't like me. Besides, she didn't hesitate to belittle me in public.

- It's not possible. Eliza would never do such a thing; he immediately defends her with conviction.

- And you always dare to ask me why I don't want to go out with you? asks the girl, realizing that it's the perfect time to drive the point home.

- What did I say wrong?

- You defend her without even trying to find out what she did to me. It's true that I tend to forget that she is perfect!

- Please calm down.

- Do you realize that she's doing everything she can to get in our way?

- Why would she do such a thing?

- She doesn't love me! Is it so complicated to understand? She made it clear to me that she doesn't want to see me with you. It's too bad you weren't there to hear all the horror she said to me. Do you have any idea how humiliated I felt? she asks him, making tears fill her eyes to make it seem real.

- I would never have believed Eliza capable of doing such a thing, the young man says sadly, eventually believing her. What got into him?

- She only wants you for herself. I don't see any other explanation.

- We've been close for five years and she never pushed my friends away, even if she didn't like them.

- Why did she mistreat me then? I didn't do anything to him though. I never spoke to him before today!

- I'm going to have a discussion with her so that she explains to me why she reacts this way. There must be a reason because she is the sweetest person I know.

- She's good with you, but not with me. She made it clear she would stab me if I didn't stop seeing you.

- I'm really sorry, but very hard to believe. Eliza has never hurt a fly. I don't see how she could say such awful things to you.

- So, it's me who's lying, right?

- That's not what I said.

- I even wonder why we are having this discussion. There can't be anything between us under such conditions, she told him sadly, understanding that it won't be easy to oust Eliza from Noah's life. By the way, you'll do me the favor of telling him that it's not my style of dress that reflects who I am.

- Why do you say that?

- Apparently, I dress like a whore...

A long silence hover between them. Noah is completely lost, having a hard time believing that Eliza could tell him so many atrocities. He knows her by heart and he knows she would never do such a thing. As a result, he has every intention of getting this story straight.

- Are you going to do something about it? she asks him, speaking again with the hope that Noah will tell her that he will move away from Eliza.

- I have no idea, he replies simply.

- You will however have to find a solution; I will distance myself from you if you continue to keep in touch with her.

- Basically, you don't want me to date her anymore...

- I can't impose it on you Noah, but I won't take the risk of going out with you until you solve this problem. "I'll manage to get Eliza completely out of your life, I can assure you of that," she told herself before speaking again. I invest myself completely when I'm in a relationship and, with Eliza around, I'm afraid that she will try to separate us by any means possible. I don't want a relationship that might break my heart.

Noah had no idea he would find himself in such a situation. He thought that the ladies would get along and, there, he hopes to find a solution to try to round the nails between the two ladies. He wants to go out with Audrey so badly, but he sees his dream slowly dissipating with this argument. He has a very difficult choice to make: get Eliza out of his life or distance himself from Audrey, for whom he has feelings. Even if he doesn't want to lose either of them, he'll know what decision to make once he talks to his best friend.