Chapter 16

Noah is demoralized. Her day has been very hard and seeing Eliza without being able to talk to her doesn't help matters. Little did he know that sharing his life with Audrey would make the situation so complicated. No longer supporting the crisis of the one he loves, it does him a lot of good to go home. Moreover, his conversation with Alison is still running through his head. He misses his best friend a lot and he really wants to visit her to apologize, wanting everything to go back to the way it was between them, but he wonders if it's really worth it. Upon returning to his bedroom while lost in thought, he jostles his nightstand and a glass picture frame that has a photo of his best friend in it and falls and crashes into her. Hearing the noise, Liliane, his mother, joins him to see what is happening.

- What happened Noah? she asks as she enters the room. Was it the beautiful frame that Eliza gave you that broke?

- Yes, that's the one, he replies sadly, picking up the scattered pieces of glass.

- You didn't do it on purpose, I hope? she asks him suddenly, immediately surprising the young man.

- Why do you ask such a thing?

- You haven't spoken to me about Eliza these last few days... pointed out her mother. So, I guess you had a fight.

- You know how much I care about this frame mum. I would never have broken it on purpose. Eliza saved up for months to be able to give it to me and now it's completely ruined.

- How did it fall?

- I didn't pay attention and jostled the bedside table. Unfortunately, I did not manage to save what was dearest to me.

- It's broken now and there's nothing you can do to fix it now. I notice that you've been sad for a few days. What happens to you?

- You know me well from what I see, he says with a shy smile. It's true that I'm not well.

- It has something to do with Eliza, doesn't it?

Noah nods in agreement before taking a deep breath.

- We had a big fight recently and we don't talk to each other anymore.

- Do you have feelings for her by any chance? Liliane suddenly asks him, much to the young man's astonishment.

- Of course not! What makes you say such a thing?

- The way you act. Your attitude has changed a lot in the last few days and, from what I understand, it's since you had a fight.

- I can't still be in love with my best friend!

- That's what I noticed Noah, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm right. By the way, may I know why you two had a fight? Normally you are such accomplices that you are beautiful to see.

- Audrey told me that Eliza threatened her and…

- One moment, her mother interrupts her. Who is this Audrey?

- She's a girl I really like.

- So, it's another girl who sowed discord between you?

- Yes.

- How can you be sure that she didn't lie to you?

- I spoke to Eliza and she confirmed that she had indeed threatened Audrey. However, I can't blame him.

- You miss Eliza, don't you?

- You have no idea how much and yet it hasn't even been two days since we spoke to each other.

- What are you going to do? You can't stay like this either.

- I wanted to go see her to tell her that I miss her, but…

- But what? she interrupts him again. If you want to find her, get out of here and go see her! There is no need to have a but!

- Unfortunately, there is. The girls don't get along and Audrey doesn't want me to reconnect with Eliza; otherwise, she will leave me.

- So, it's Audrey who will run your life? If she doesn't love me, what will happen? Does she realize that you're unhappy when you don't talk to Eliza? I don't know her yet and I already don't like that one.

- It's not her fault mum, Noah defends her. How do you expect her to react when Eliza wants to separate us?

- Let me guess. Audrey told you that and she was very convincing, wasn't she?

- Yes... Noah frowns, surprised. How do you know?

- When a woman feels threatened, she always makes sure to get rid of her rival. I would advise you to make sure that you and Eliza understand each other correctly. I'm sure there was a misunderstanding somewhere.

- It's weird that you say that to me mum.

- Why?

- You're the second person to tell me that Eliza and I didn't understand each other well today.

- Knowing Eliza for five years, I know she's not the kind of girl to get into trouble. Now, listening to you, I would almost believe that she did it on purpose. You should go see her to make sure you understood each other correctly.

- Do you think I should?

- I'm sure of it, darling. Eliza's absence weighs heavily on you and don't wait until it's too late to act.

- Do you think she'll agree to talk to me again?

- Why won't she accept? asks Liliane.

- I was very mean to her and, if I'm not mistaken, I was even borderline hurtful.

- In that case, excuse yourself... A friendship like yours cannot be ruined because of a conquest Noah. Do you realize that you will never know Audrey as well as you know Eliza?

- This is the first time that two people have given me almost the same speech in one day. I'll listen to you...

Noah is surprised. He had no idea that two people would hold the same speech in favor of Eliza and, after thinking about it, he realizes that Alison and her mother may be right about the fact that there was a misunderstanding somewhere, especially since he didn't give her time to explain. Realizing he can't live without Eliza in his life, the young man goes to take a shower to cool off. Then, as he finishes getting dressed, he goes to his best friend with the hope that she will deign to forgive him for the hurt that has caused him.