Chapter 15

Far from suspecting that Noah is arguing with Audrey for her, Eliza does not understand why her teacher asked her to wait in her classroom. She would have preferred to be alone in her room crying trying to put a cross on the man she loves. Finding herself there alone, she takes out a book and reads it with the hope that Mr. Green will come and tell her why he asked her to stay after school hours. At one point, she even begins to wonder if he hasn't forgotten her and has already gone home. What she does not know is that her teacher has called her parents and he is waiting for their arrival to join her. An hour later, Arthur and Alizee, Eliza's father and mother, arrive and they go to the classroom.

- Hello, he said welcoming the parents of the young lady. I'm sorry to have called you - I suspect it must not have been easy for you to free yourself - but it becomes important that I speak to you.

- I'm listening, Arthur told him.

- Does your daughter have a normal attitude at home?

- Yes, she is normal.

- I also find that she acts normally, adds Alizee. However, we only see her at dinner time. Most of the time she locks herself in her room on her way home from high school.

- Can you tell us what the problem is, sir? Arthur asks, wanting to understand why he summoned them.

- Your daughter can't concentrate in class. I fear that this will have repercussions on its results at the end of the year.

- Is it true my daughter? asks her father, looking at her.

- I can explain everything to you, she replies fearfully, feeling that she is going to incur her father's wrath.

- I can't wait to know what you're going to tell me.

- Don't get me wrong sir, the teacher interrupts him, realizing that Arthur is getting angry. I'm not saying your daughter isn't interested in my class. Far from there. By the way, she's emotionally hurting and she's having a hard time getting over it. I wanted to know if she told you about it.

- Eliza is afraid to confide in us; his father is severe, he Alizee. As a result, she prefers to keep her secrets to herself.

- I think it's important that you give him a lot of attention, the teacher tells them.

Mr. Green understands that his pupil lied to him but, seeing the reaction of the father, he prefers to say nothing so as not to put the young lady in an embarrassing situation.

- Can we know what is happening to you my dear? her mother asks her calmly, but Eliza remains silent, staring at the ground.

- Do you want me to explain to them what is happening to you? asks the teacher.

- It surprises me that my daughter prefers to confide in you rather than in us, her parents, says Arthur.

- I think it's easier for her to confide in her friends; she spends a lot more time with them, assumes Alizee. Do you realize that we live in the same house, but only see each other for dinner?

- Miss Clark, can I do it or not?

At her teacher's insistence, Eliza nods her head. Either way, she knows that no matter what happens, nothing could be worse than the current situation.

- Your daughter is in love with her friend, but apparently, it's not reciprocated. This situation hurts him a lot and it affects his education. Sometimes I can't even allow her into class so much that she cries and when she is there she is lost in thought. I do my best to pull her together, but nothing works. The problem is that this situation does not affect her. Her class friends are sad to see their friend in this state without being able to help her. Eliza is a very bright child and I will be really disappointed if she manages to fail because of a love affair.

- Who do you have feelings for my dear? Alizee asks her with a reassuring voice, hoping that her daughter will agree to talk to them.

- I'm in love with Noah.

- I knew this would happen. You two are so close. It was inevitable. Why don't you tell him?

- I never had the courage to do it and, meanwhile, he is attracted to another. So, he doesn't want to talk to me anymore. To make matters worse, the bitch wants me out of her life and she makes me look bad. She's rough on me, too, but Noah prefers to believe her. Besides, he turned his back on me.

- You could have told us about it my darling, says her father, suddenly speaking to the teenager's great surprise. I see how much this story hurts you. It's true that we didn't do much to listen to you, either, but you should have insisted! And then, if you can't talk to us, you can always turn to Angel. She's your big sister and I don't think she would refuse to listen to you.

- I confide in her, but I don't see what she can do to help me. Besides, I asked him not to talk about my discomfort to Noah. I don't want him to know that I love him.

- Why don't you want him to know? Alizee is surprised. If he feels the same way about you, you could pair up and that would fix the situation!

- But if he doesn't like me, I will have wasted five years of friendship.

- So, you think it's a good idea to stay with your sorrows Eliza? continues the teacher. As I've told you many times, I wouldn't have had a problem if this story didn't affect your studies, but it does!

- You did well to tell us, sir. It's our job to make sure Eliza is okay, something we sadly haven't done, Arthur says as he gazes lovingly at his daughter.

- How do I manage to live with Noah's absence? the young lady asks them sadly, letting a few tears flow.

- It happens that there are violent arguments between friends, but it does not mean that your friendship dies. I'm sure he'll come back to you as soon as he's calmed down, says Alizee before hugging him and giving him a kiss on the forehead.

- You said earlier that Audrey was rough with you. What did you mean? asks Mr. Green.

- No later than during recess, she beat me violently... She even belittled me and threatened me not to tell anyone at the risk of reprisals.

- You should have told me! It's not normal for a high school girl to behave like this!

- I would prefer that no one gets involved; she would risk doing me more harm and I prefer to be quiet, she told him sadly.

Eliza spends another thirty minutes with her parents talking with her teacher to find a solution to her problems. She was very afraid of the reaction of her parents, especially her father, upon hearing the news, but it relieves her that he took it well. Now she knows that she can count on the support of her family whenever necessary, especially since she misses Noah terribly at the moment.