Few days past after Leon took jared in as his personal knight.One fine morning at the Duke's office — the duke is standing near the window and looking down from the closed window at the skinny jared who is training with the commander of knights in the training ground.

"what do you think about this one[jared]?"he ask edward who was standing there.

"When the young master bring an injured child with himself and even decided to make him his personal knight,I was bit confused.Giving such important responsibility to a kid who is just 3 years older than him,I was shocked.People are seeing it as an act of kindness of young master for a commoner and poor kid.While the enemies inside and outside the mansion are seeing it as an foolish act".

*By inside enemies edward is referring towards duke's eldest son and his family as they see Leon as a troublemaker, which the duke is aware of*."But after observing this kid for few days and discussing with the commander of knights, it seems that this kid has a lot of potential, with proper training in just few years he will evolve in a monstrous knight.And he seems to be the best personal knight for young master.It seems like young master has some good luck on his side."edward replies to duke.

"Good luck you say, to me it seems more like a keen eyes to quickly judge people around him.No doubt the kid he brought in will be proven as a huge benefit for him".But you didn't get one point in this,I gave him the freedom to choose his own escort but he didn't choose any one from Britannia army.Instead he bring in someone out of the mansion.The one who is born to rule surely knows how to act like one.He wants people around him to stay loyal towards him, not towards Britannia.That's the mindset of someone who wishes to reach the peak"the duke said with a proud smile on his face.

"I didn't know that the young master was looking that further, as expected of my lord to figure this out, edward replies with bit of amusement on his face.

"Hm..if he[Leon] is nurture correctly he can become the next head of family and even the perfect candidate to become the next emperor.But the inside enemies won't make it happen.Even the people behind his father's death are still unknown.Although we told everybody that he died in carriage accident but we are the only ones who knows the truth that it is was a pre-planned murder.I don't want to make the same mistake twice.Edward take Leon with you and move to the western gates"the duke said.

"Pardon...the western gates my lord, even if its the young lord he is still just an eight year old kid.Sending him to that hell at such an young age won't it be too much" edward replied to duke with shocked expression and bit of concern for Leon.

Britannia is a duchy covering the half of wales empire, including the western side of empire in its governance.The western borders which falls under jurisdiction of Britannia is the end of west part of wales, but on the other side of western border is dense forest which is consider as a mystery forest as its the home of most powerful wild monsters of the continent.This world is also home to other races than humanity.But the mystery forest is not just home of most wild monsters it also contains the most ferocious beast races.There are races who are on friendly terms with humans but the nature of beast races is not friendly towards humans and there were wars with them in the past.Many of the creatures that lives in the mystery forest are unidentified and still unknown to humanity.Those who dared to survey the forest in the past never returned, no one knows what lies in there.Every year huge waves of monsters attacks the western part in to invade it.And to protect the west side from invasion of beasts who came out from forest the Britannia set five gates on western border who guards and protects the western borders.This gates are label from 1 to 5 on basis of difficulties and invasion of monsters.From gate 1 with least invasion, attacks and lowest level of monster to gate 5 with the highest invasion and attack rates with the most powerful and strongest level of monsters so far.What edward was concern about was that the monsters attack rates were growing rapidly this year and relation with beast race was getting worse than ever, it wasn't publicly announced as they could panic but if the situation with monsters who were attacking rapidly gets out of hands the beast race will see it as an opportunity and there can be an all out war anytime due to it.No matter how you look at it, it seems as the worst time to send Leon at western gates.

"I know that's why I have given you the responsibility to go with him.He have to train and survive there till his coming-of-age ceremony, when the time comes this ace will not only change the game but crush his enemies.Getting engaged in family politics at his age will slow him down.And no one could predict what severe steps that shady emperor will take if he came to know that I will side with Leon.Me giving him support will surely rise an uproar in family too as I want him to be the next head and its just not the right time for it even if he is the successor of dragon lord.Train him edward, I know that not any eight year old kid will want to experience that hell but the more he's polish out, the more he will shine.I have a lot of expectations from him and I am sure he won't disappoint me cause he also knows that I need him, more importantly the Britannia needs him" the duke said to edward with clenching his fist as in some corner of his heart he regrets sending Leon away at such place but he also knew that that's the best choice for Leon.

"I understand my lord, I will inform the young master to get prepare and we will departure in the evening itself" edward reply understanding duke's point of view.

As Leon is informed by the count edward about duke's decision it quiet shocked him as it was a sudden decision and it will also affect leon's future plan.

"Well, it wasn't something that I expected but I agree with grandfather's point of view.To survive in the world of magic and races other than humanity which I haven't seen in my previous world and still not met them in this life too, its a good decision.Because in this world if I want to move further I shouldn't just depend on my knowledge.I will have to be a expert in utilising the dragon lord's powers, and what's the best way to learn other than a practical session to do it.Coming into this world this will be my first time experiencing something different and new.Western gates, they were mention once in novel as hell's gate.But reading the novel I already know what awaits me there and what hides in the shadows of mystery forest which is still unknown to the people of this world.Moreover I still don't know much about my powers, so it is like a perfect opportunity for me.It will be a fun journey" Leon smiles while thinking in his mind.

He rings his room bell and haze enters his room."Haze, please pack my luggage and stuff" Leon said.

"Young master are you going somewhere?" haze asks Leon politely.

"Yes to the western gates" Leon replies to haze with smile.

"The west...western gates" as soon as hears it she was shocked and her face becomes pale.She couldn't handle and collapsed hearing it.