The news of Duke kaizen's order of sending Leon to western gates spread like a fire in forest.Western gates was something who's name even could set fear in some peoples heart and sending an eight year old toddler at such dangerous place was unexpected.Sending Leon at such place was equal to like declaring him dead, even the most highly trained and skilled soldiers don't stand a chance and every year numerous soldiers dies there.It was clear that if Leon leaves for there he will be most likely dead as he won't be able to survive at such harsh place.The news became a hot topic of discussion in the duchy and aristocrats.With it numerous rumours also start to fly around, according to rumours it was said as, duke kaizen want to remove the half-blood who was like a black spot on Britannia family, and giving such order is his way of removing the dirty blood from Britannia.Some even mention it as pre-plan murdering.

Few people pity Leon.But no one, not a single person could object duke's decision as it will be like asking for death.But no one knows the reality as what was going on except three peoples - The Duke, Count edward and Leon himself.This rumours weren't affecting them, in-fact the rumours were serving them as a barrier from the suspicious eyes of high society.The aristocrats and emperor were seeing it as a benefit, as Britannia was having internal family problems in-fact they were enjoying it.Leon's uncle — george and his family was happy by duke's order as Leon who was a treat for them was leaving and their path to take control over Britannia was becoming clear.But in the darkness of Britannia, secretly hiding from the eyes of world the plan to nurture and up-bring a monarch the world had never seen before was taking place.As haze gains consciousness after few minutes she was tensed and worrying.She said and request Leon to take her with him but Leon knew where he was going and he had an idea of what sort of things he will encounter there, that is why Leon rejected her request.In the evening Leon was ready to depart with count edward and jared was escorting Leon.Although the commander of knights requested not to take jared as he had just started training and he had no experience.He also seem interested in training jared as he[jared] had natural talent and potential.But jared was dedicated to serve Leon and escort him in this dangerous journey.Leon also thought as he was going there to take experience and understand his powers more better he should take jared as jared will also gain experience by getting in war and he will learn faster through real life experience.Therefore Leon allowed only jared to escort him and there were no objections.Jared was happy by this decision.

"Young master, your carriage is ready to departure.Count edward is waiting for you"franz came in leon's room and informed him.

"Yes, I am coming" Leon replied with smile as he was excited for his journey as it will be his first time in this life to visit the outside world.

As Leon goes outside, george and his family was waiting on the main door.

"Oh, little Leon as soon as I heard that you were going to western borders I was so shocked.I was even crying.How could father-in-law take such rash decision suddenly.I was so worried about my little nephew" a women standing next to george covering her mouth with a hand-fan said.

"She is george's wife and my aunt 'lisa'.Her sharp tongue is something one should beware of.Unlike her husband she is a clever one and she will take every opportunity on her side to make her kids the face of Britannia.She doesn't know that grandfather is already aware that she has sided with the wales.I should be careful around her" Leon in his mind.

"Thank you aunt lisa for worrying about me" Leon said smiling.

"Be careful" george said with unpleasant looks as if he was looking down on him and want him to leave the mansion as soon as possible.

"Yes uncle" Leon reply.

"Serves you right" Blake whispers slowly, smiling at leon with callen accompanying him.

"We will see" Leon said in his mind and give a sly smile to Blake and callen.

Leon had handle and deal with a lot of such people with fake smiles and malice in his previous life as a businessman, that's why he was able to see through these peoples fake smiles and read their inner thoughts wishing in their heart for him to never return.But there were those too who were really worried for him and wishing for his safe return.Haze was standing near carriage with teary eyes.Leon runs towards her and give her a hug.Then looking upwards at her face he says to haze with a cute smile,"I will be fine".

"Yes, young master I will always wish for your safe return.And don't forget to take your meals on time" haze said wiping her tears.

"Yes, I will keep that in mind" Leon reply.

As edward and Leon sits in the carriage, Leon looks up at the upper floor of mansion in the direction of duke's office through carriage window from a cross eye.The duke is too watching him from the window of his office.He didn't came down to meet Leon as there were many eyes watching Leon in the mansion at that time as he was leaving the mansion.As soon as both of their eyes made contact the duke nod his head, while his eyes were wishing Leon luck to return safe.At that time Leon saw genuine worry in duke's eyes and in his response he too nod his head slightly.The carriage starts to move forward while jared and one other knight of edward escorting the carriage on their horses.The duke looks at the moving carriage and told to himself,

"Just six years....six years you have to survive, and after that we will together make things change for good.Until you come back kid, I will prepare the perfect stage for you".

The journey to western gates begins with mysteries and trouble awaiting leon.Different persons each with their goals, the duke with preparation and handling the dukedom until leon's return after six years.Count edward with goal to train Leon, taking care of him and taking each steps secretly getting unnoticed for sake of Britannia.Jared with the purpose of serving Leon, protecting him and becoming strong to support him.And Leon with the ultimate goal to become the monarch and changing britannia's brutal fate.All of them with their own purpose looking forward to what future awaits them.

"Six years huh till my coming-of-age ceremony, I will make sure to fully utilise these years to my benefit.Western gates, I am excited and looking forward to what surprises it holds for me"Leon thinks in his mind and gives a smile while looking outside the window of moving carriage as fresh breeze of wind hits his face and his hairs wave in air.