After deciding his business Leon started preparations for it so that he could get the duke's approval on it. He firstly search for all the ingredients he would need to prepare his dishes and searched if they are available in this world. With the help of Jared he prepares all the ingredients he will need within a week, and then he visits the main kitchen to prepare the dishes on his own. Leon enters the mansion's kitchen. As he enters the kitchen, the chefs over there are shocked to see him.

"Young master did we make some mistake while preparing the food," the head chef asked with hesitation as they have never seen him enter the kitchen before.

"No, actually today I will be the one preparing the dinner," Leon said.

Every chef in the kitchen had a dumbfounded look on their face. They weren't able to understand what Leon was trying to do.

"Are you sure young master? What if the lord founds out about it?" the head chef asked.

"Don't worry and rest assured" Leon said with a smile.

In his past life, he also learned cooking so, he had a pretty good experience in that field also. But the chefs didn't know that Leon was skilled in cooking too. As all the ingredients are brought into the kitchen Leon wears an apron and starts cooking. Jared is keeping a watch outside the kitchen door so no one would disturb Leon and, the chefs are waiting outside the kitchen hesitated and curious about what Leon was doing inside. After some time passed, the chefs were allowed to go inside and to their surprise, the kitchen looked very neat and clean. Leon had already prepared the dinner which was covered in a chafing dish but the chefs thought that Leon had not prepared anything and he was playing a prank.

"We are doomed, now what will we serve the duke for dinner?" one of the assistant chef asked in a panic to the head chef.

The head chef's mind was not in a clear state as he knew, that the duke can give them a death sentence for this.

"We should ask him for mercy. That is all we could do" the head chef said.

As the chefs reached the dining hall they were surprised to see dinner over there which was covered with the lid. The whole table was covered with several dishes each having a different variety of cuisines. Leon and the duke enter the dining hall, count Edward was also invited today as a guest for dinner. As the three of them takes their seat the duke already got the idea, that Leon has something to tell.

"So, what is it that you want to tell me? That even Edward is into your plan" the duke asked.

"You will know grandpa once you have today's dinner," Leon said with a smile.

"I hate suspense but still let's see," the duke said.

"As the duke opens the lid the aroma of the food spreads throughout the hall. The starter offered to him was the french soup[soupe de poisson à la rouille] and some Indian kebabs. The main dish for the dinner included bulgogi[*A Korean dish]. As the duke tasted it he was quite impressed by it and it was all written on his face that he was liking it. The other dishes included Samgyeopsal[*pork strips] Risotto[an Italian dish]. The duke ate a lot of food, although he was picky while having his food but tonight he finished all and even took some dishes again. Count Edward was also impressed by it.

"So that's why the young master was saying so confidently. If such food is served to anyone it will win their heart" count Edward talking to himself in his mind.

"So this is a big surprise," the duke said calmly as he finishes the dinner.

"No, the climax is still pending," Leon said. As Leon ordered, one maid comes in with a tray. All three of them are given a bowl. As The duke tastes the cream inside the bowl, he was very impressed. Count Edward was also impressed by it.

"What is it?" the duke asked in excitement.

"Ice-cream, it's a dessert which eases one's mind and body. It's my special recipe" Leon said with a smile.

"So what's your thought on it grandpa? I want to start up a restaurant that will raise the reputation of Britannia. And it will also have more dishes in its menu, more than what has been served here today" Leon said.

"More dishes!! I have never experienced such wonderful cuisines, but the young master is saying there are more. I can't wait to taste them" count Edward gets excited as he listens to Leon as he liked the food.

"I approve. If it's you, I know you will do your best. With what you have served me today I am sure the business will create an uproar all over. Take as much money you need to set up this business. I am looking forward to it" the duke said.

"Thanks, grandfather" Leon replied.

"Ahem...I would like to have another bowl of ice cream" the duke said with a bit of shyness.

"Nope definitely not as grandpa is having health issues, you shouldn't consume much of a sugar" Leon instantly rejected it.

"This brat, I am very fit and can still defeat several enemies at one time. I am not that old" the duke said.

"Still you won't get another bowl of ice cream" Leon replied with a smile.

"This brat...are for real, you are nagging your grandfather," the duke said.

Seeing the grandfather and grandson arguing childishly, Count Edward smiles. The maids and chefs who were present over there, also giggles seeing both of them like that.

"I hope both of them always stay like that. They are the real glow of this mansion" count Edward said in his mind seeing both of them laughing.