As soon as Leon gets the duke's permission, he started working on it immediately. Getting a worker was not much of a big deal, in-fact his new start-up was employing a lot of people. The ingredients were available in a mass, so he didn't have to worry about the supply too.

What he was focused on as his first step was the working system. With his past life experience, changing the system could help him in many ways. Firstly Leon wanted to make the restaurant and its food available for all but in this noble era, it wasn't possible at all. Nobles were someone who think so highly of themselves so, eating the same food as the normal civilians was something they would never do. Their pride would get hurt doing something like that and their etiquettes won't allow them to do such things. Edward was in a fix thinking about how Leon would be able to do it and if he did that then, what reaction will the noble society have. Doing something bold and bizarre could also get them into trouble, as the emperor was waiting for the Britannia to make some mistake, so they have to take every step wisely. All through food availability to all was Leon's first motive but he also wanted to make money as a businessman that could help Britannia. And to do so the biggest fishes which could give him a lot of money were the noble. As his biggest source of income, he wanted to grab as much money as he could from the pockets of those noble but that's where the problem comes in.

Leon, Jared, and Edward all three of them are at Leon's office and discussing this matter.

"How will we be able to solve this matter, young master. Do you have any solution for this?" Edward asked.

"I do, count" Leon replied.

"As expected of my master," Jared said with pride.

"I know that to keep their noses high and for their pride, the noble won't even budge to taste the food if it's available to the common people too, then what about we create another restaurant for them," Leon said.

Both Jared and Edward are looking at Leon, in a state of confusion as they weren't able to understand what Leon wanted to do.

"Sigh...Let me put it simply, the real motive to why we want the nobles to eat at our restaurant is because they are morons with money and to prove that they will spend as much money as they could and think of it as some high-class show. So how about we create such a place for them to do so. Our first restaurant will be built in Britannia itself so instead of doing that we will build two restaurants. One with a simple structure and the other one will be built with lavish looks, just like some royal structure. Now the restaurant with the simple structure will be available to all civilians, and the one with lavish looks with only be available for the nobles. But what we gonna serve in both of these restaurants will be the same menu the only difference will be, that the nobles would have to pay a higher price than the usual rate in that restaurant" Leon explained.

Let us quickly summarise the money system of this world. The money is divided into three parts - Gold coins, silver coins, and bronze coins. Bronze coins are used by civilians, while the noble mostly use silver coins. The gold coins are very high valued even the nobles used gold coins preciously, except the emperor.

10 bronze coins = 1 silver coin and,

10 silver coins = 1 gold coin.

What Leon told Edward and Jared was that the food will be available for the civilians with the rate of food starting from 1 bronze to 1 silver coin but the restaurant available for the nobles will serve food with the rates starting from 5 silver coins to a maximum of 1 gold coin.

After hearing Leon's explanation both Jared and Edward are staring at Leon's face as they were very impressed by his idea.

"But what if the nobles find out about it?" Edward asked.

"We don't have to worry about it, they will not meddle with the civilians and if they do and things go south, we could just come up with any excuse like the ingredients use for the preparation of their food uses special spices that are rare, etc. Those morons won't question as they would probably don't know shit about cooking. I bet they wouldn't even know what their mansion's kitchen looks like.

[*Says a man who only enters once in his mansion's kitchen in this life, lol]

Edward and Jared look at Leon with astonishing looks on their faces.

"Amazing young master/master," both Edward and Jared said in sync.

"Well, what good of a businessman I would be if I can't make money. I can already smell it" Leon said in his mind as his eyes sparkled.

After deciding the whole thing they started working on their new business. Orders were passed the construction work also started, for the two restaurants as per Leon's idea. The count was supervising the construction works while Leon was handling the supply of ingredients. Things were going pretty well.