My friends, the Triple J.

I don't want to confuse you, my life has great things. As a normal life usually has. There is the good and there is the bad. I mean, without both, life wouldn't be called the same. It would either be called a war zone or a field of roses. In my opinion it should be both. That is what makes life great, having both of them combined and at the end, you learn to coexist with both of them.

So you are wondering, what are such great things I love in my life? Of course, I still love my family besides all the hard stories we have gone through. Especially my sister, for me she is the inspiration. She was the oldest one, she had to face everything in her teenage years, but she always tried to make me feel good and supported me, so I would not feel bad or think stupid things inside my head. I am so grateful to have her in my life, so we could move forward besides everything that happened to us. But what else do I love? Well, I got a few friends that I enjoy staying with. Let me describe them while I go through my school hall.

My everyday routine starts with me going to school basically every day. So at first I get ready, eat a little breakfast with my mother because my sister usually wakes up earlier because she has to go to work while she is in college. She studies architecture and she works at the university in the coffee place. So after having breakfast with my mother, I got to meet one of my friends because we live very close to each other. Let me introduce you to Jasmine. Jasmine is the first friend I made when I came to the new neighborhood. To be honest with you, Jasmine is very rich. Like literally very rich. There is an area near my house with big mansions and one of them is owned by Jasmine's father, who is a big real estate investor and has made huge money especially buying property during the crisis. Also her mother is a famous lawyer so she has always been rich. But what surprised me at first about her, was the fact she was amazingly humble. She did not care at all that she was that rich, she always worked hard for her things, and she is actually a great student at school. You know those High School movies where the rich girl always is the one who picks on other people. Well, Jasmine has never done that. She has always minded her business and does not give a damn about other people besides her friends. And she is quite supportive to me, always telling me that when I need something, whatever it is, she is always there for me. And she also shares her things with me because she says that I am one of the only people who understands her in the way she is.

Firstly basically every morning, I get to meet her. We walk a few blocks together until we meet another friend of ours, who actually is Jasmine's boyfriend. I present to you, Jacob. We always call them "The J duo". Jacob was the second person I got to meet in the neighborhood. Him and Jasmine have always been together in the same neighborhood and grew up together so I had the chance to also meet him and stay together when I first came. He is very tall and is a future prospect in basketball. He comes from a family, which is not as rich as Jasmines, but it is quite rich too. His father is a basketball coach while his mother is a doctor. So everytime we got to Jacobs house, I loved talking to his mother. She always advised me what I should do before I enter med school. Her advice actually has been pretty decent and has given me an idea what to expect before I decide what career I am going to follow. But she was actually the one who convinced me to follow my dream of becoming a doctor.

Jacob always waits for us before we go to school so we can drive together. They do not want me to pay for bus fees and have always wanted me to come wherever they go. Both of them were the first ones to call me when my father disappeared and came to meet me and took me somewhere to relax and get away from anything. To me, they are the perfect couple. Those couples which you look at and admire and want to find someone who you can be with just like that. They are also the couple symbol at my school because they are both pretty and most of the people love them actually, because even though they are rich and pretty, they act humbly and do not pick up on anyone. And I am so lucky to have them as my friends.

But our group does not end here. There are also 3 more people that I would like to tell you about. We always stay together at school and basically we are as a team of our own. The first thing you see when you enter school is a short boy with a book in his hands. I present Juan to you. Juan is a Mexican guy and his family has been in the U.S for more than 50 years. But at first glance, Juan always gives you latino vibes. He is dexterous, smart and moves from place to place all the time just to know what is going on. But he is hella smart for everything. He is not the typical smart boy at school who does not do anything else besides learning at school. In fact he is everywhere all the time. You just have to see his social media. If you judge Juan by his social media, you would think he is a crazy man that can do it all but not a smart boy at school because you would think he has no time to deal with school at all. Actually he has all the time in the world and I always love his quote whenever we ask him how he finds the time to do it all.

And his answer is always just like this:"I have the time of the world as long as I am willing to do the things I love in life". He is my inspiration on how to do the things you love and manage the time you have perfectly without losing even a second from your life. He is always doing things he loves to do and never worries about anything else. Juan's family is quite normal. His father is a mechanic while his mother works at a restaurant as a chef. But Juan and his two brothers are actually insane. Since the start of the High School, Juan and his brothers have opened two businesses, one is online and the other is car service. They have made quite good money and you can Juan traveling everywhere and doing the most insane things. And when it comes to school, he is the first one to show up at school with everything finished and learned. I will always think how in this world does he find to have everything finished in his life. We started being friends when High School started and since then he has joined our group. He always takes us to places we have never seen and we do the most insane adventures.