Rose and David.

When you enter the class you will see a girl sleeping at one desk at the end of the class especially on Mondays. She is Rose, and she is the prettiest girl I have ever seen. But you wonder why she sleeps? Well, she always says that sleep is her love and nothing compares with it. She is the fashion queen for me. Her dresses are always on point and she has a great body so basically everything she wears becomes a trend at our school. She is Colombian and from getting to know, I have realized that Colombian girls are the craziest but the best. Her father owns a company in the industry of plastic while her mother is a designer and owns a brand of clothes. That is one of the main reasons that she has that fashion eye because also her mother is a queen when it comes to dressing. So how does this Colombian girl do at school? Actually she is pretty decent. When you first get to know her, you would think that she does not give a damn about school and her focus is somewhere else besides school. But in fact she is quite smart especially when it comes to literature. She is amazing at poetry and writing, and already finished her first book. I was amazed when I got to learn about her emotive side and the fact she was amazing at writing. What is the problem with sleeping? On weekends, Rose loves to go partying as she loves dancing. She is quite flirty and we always have to deal with the fact that everywhere we go, someone is gonna interrupt us and ask Rose for her name or her phone number. But she doesn't care about boyfriends at all. She always says that her goal in life is to enjoy it and not worry about relationship problems. Her mindset is that when her true love will come, she will know and she never wants to rush on that. That is why basically you see her sleeping at the end of the class every morning. Also she spends many nights writing or designing. And when it comes to learning at school, she is that one person that only needs a night or two to learn everything we have done in the past two weeks. Most of the people at school think that because of the fact that her parents are quite rich, she gets good grades. At first I thought the same because she is such a cold person and does not approach you first and does not even talk to you. But Jasmine has known her for years due to the fact that both of their families know each other. Their fathers have been in High School together. The first few times we went out together, I did not talk to her a lot and thought she was presumptuous and arrogant. But after a while, I realized that she was actually a nice person, very deep inside her heart. And after a while, she started joining our group and since then we have never separated. She always tries her designed clothes and new products on me and Jasmine and when she releases a new product, we both get a gifted one from her. In my opinion, she is quite talented and her focus must be on her talent rather than on school. Differently from us four, Rose is not a likable person at school and most of the time people do not like her presence. But for us, she is a great girl who always brings a new mindset to us as her lifestyle is quite different from ours. And what makes us laugh is the debates she has with Juan. They love debating with each other about everything that can happen in this world. Even for something stupid, Juan will always make it a debate with Rose in which they will throw jokes on each other. She is quite energetic outside of school, because when it comes to school, I think she just wants to finish High school and never look at it again.

Here comes the last person I want to introduce you with. I left him last because of the fact that he is that one person that I always want to have with me in my life. He has been my best friend for a few years now but I see him as more than a friend. He is that one person who understands me best, my situation, my thoughts and how I feel most of the time. Due to the fact that he has been through a lot and understands my position. His father passed away when he was 10 due to an incurable disease and had to grow up in a difficult situation with only having his mother as his support and being the oldest of three kids. He also has two sisters which he had to take care of through that difficult situation. He was raised in difficulty just like me but always trying to make the best out of everything in order to succeed and provide the best for his family. When you lose your father, it is always difficult, especially for the only boy to take responsibility and become a father figure in his family and most of the kids his age take the wrong turn in their life. But he never lost his control and grew up to be a man even though he is still a teenager. His name is David. He is a great guy, he is handsome, he has a great mindset and works really hard to provide for his family. He actually works as a mechanic and also as a waiter. He does two jobs and that is one of the main reasons that at school he does not have the greatest results. But to be honest, I think he is the smartest of us all, but he does not have the time we have to deal with school homework and material. People who have been through a lot are the most positive ones. He is the one who brings laughter in our group with his everyday things at work, who advises us and listens to our problems. David is always there for us when we need it. In most of the adventures we take, he is the one person who is missing due to the fact that he has to work. However, he tries his best to come and when he does, those are the best adventures we take. I met David as he is one of the closest friends that Jacob has. When we started High School, we were put together all in the same class and we started spending more time together. And most of the time, as for the fact that the couple used to talk a lot to each other, we started talking to each other a lot and this is when I realized we had so much in common with each other. He is that one person who understands me best and so do I. We have never separated since then. I have been developing feelings for him in the past year as the problems with my father started to grow more and more, and he was there to listen and understand me and help me take it easy as everything would get better. And I have noticed also that he has feelings for me. To be honest all 6 of us know that we are almost a couple together. But they never make it very obvious to us because they want us to take a step further telling that to each other. Jasmine and Rose always tell me to make the step. Sometimes when I have talked to David, he has indirectly expressed that he likes me, and the girls always tell me what I am waiting for. A miracle from the heavens? And recently I have also started giving him signals that I want to take things to the next level. Personally, I think there is no other person who understands me better than David does.But I am always the one who is afraid to take things to the next level. Probably because of the fact that I have always been the shy one, or I was raised with so many problems from my father that I find it difficult to express feelings to someone. However, things are going well and since my father disappeared, David and I started texting more, going out more and also we facetimed a couple of times. In the past two months we have started to become really close to each other and I do not want this thing to end. Because I have always admired Jason and Jasmine for what they have with each other and now I do have the chance to have the same thing. We will probably see each other very soon as I am quite convinced to have a talk like that with David as soon as my birthday arrives. I think it would be the perfect gift for me on my 18th birthday to finally have a boyfriend who cares for me. As for the school, David always shows up quite late due to the fact that he works most of the time, so he usually shows up around the second class we have. He never comes to school on time and that is why you are not able to see him at school in the morning.