The Solution.

-"Leave my family out of this, they have nothing to do with what I did. It was my mistake and I could come with you and deal with it together. But leave them out of this. They do not deserve to go through nothing. They did nothing to you. I did it. I take full responsibility. Whatever you do, I am going to take it like a man."-said my father.

-"So now you come to your right mind and tell me that you are going to deal with it like a man? No, now I do not want to accept that. Now we play with my rules and not yours. If you wanted to deal with it, you could have come earlier to me and we would find a way. You chose to disappear and cost me time to find you, and with time you also cost me money. Too bad. Now I chose and you do not have a single choice on your hand besides praying. And even prayers are not capable of dealing with me. And as for the family, look how beautiful reunions are, especially the ones who reveal the true faces of people. So now you want to keep them safe and out of everything? You did not think that a while ago, but now you act as a man of honor and courage and decide to step up and say what dumb things you just said. Unacceptable to my conditions."-replied the Tiger as he was getting more and more serious.

-"I know I messed everything up. I know I did not do the right thing. But my girls do not deserve to go through all this. Just please, leave them out."

-"Do I look like I care about your feelings? Do I look like I care about your girls? Do you even know me? Because you worked for me a while ago and I do not think you have forgotten who I am and what you did for me. You could end up in jail if you know. But that won't make me feel happy. I want to see you suffer. I want to see you go through hell for your own decisions. Because I make hell on this planet. Not you."

Everything was silent for a while as I could hear The Tiger's breath full of hatred and full of anger. We all were silent. My mum was almost about to cry. My older sister was so angry at my father but she had nothing to do in that situation. The tiger was just thinking and thinking. And I was getting so scared because he was staring at us both, me and my sister. And I was almost certain that what he would say next would be about me or my sister.

-"You got two beautiful girls here. I would never think that an idiot like you would have two beautiful girls. How old are you both?"-he asked.

-"Why do you even care?"-replied my sister.

-"Be a nice young lady."-he said.

-"My sister is almost 18 and I am around 24."

-Älmost 18. Interesting. I think I have found a new way to deal with this situation. And I think I am going to love this."-said the Tiger.

-Äbsolutely not."-my father jumped but the bodyguards held him back.

-"Shut the hell up. I am just one nerve away from shooting you all. Can you sit the hell down and listen."-replied the Tiger.

-"So the deal is going to be like this. This young lady who unfortunately is your daughter is going to come with me. I have a son who is the same age as she. That would be perfect because he is recently looking for a new girlfriend. Or will you become his wife? We will see that. But that is the perfect way for me to pay the debt back. Your daughter for the money. She could serve us well…"-said The tiger with an evil smile.

-"Kill me, just kill me please. But not my daughter. She does not deserve this. Please kill me."-as my father stood up and confronted his bodyguards. But in return they started kicking him until he was bleeding and could not stand up.

-"As I told you before, it is not your decision to make. So sad for her that she was your daughter. And I am not going to kill you. I will let you suffer for what you did. And what hurts more a man with such honor as you? Getting your daughter far away from you. Because she does not deserve to live a life with such a stupid father with no dignity at all, who now has the balls to fight back. And do not try to do nothing, call the police or whatsoever, because in one second I will execute all of you. When I say it, I mean it."-said the Tiger.

My mother and my sister were both shocked. They just could not believe what was just happening there. My sister was looking almost teared up in half at me.

-"Get me instead of her. I am willing to come with you, do whatever you want, but let her out of this. I promise I will do whatever you say."-said my sister.

-"You are a beautiful lady too. But I do not want you. I want her. She is the perfect fit for my son. You would wish to come too. Because the new life of your sister will be perfect. She will not have to suffer like you here. But sorry, not your lucky day today. It was meant for your sister. I do not want you, I will only take her. And I see that by getting her, I do more damage than I do by taking you. So you will never change my mind, even if you beg all your entire life."-replied The Tiger, still smiling in an evil way.

It is time to say goodbye now. Do not waste my time. Do not get anything. Because you will have everything you ever wanted if you come with me. Now time is money. We have to go. Make your goodbye wishes. You have only 5 minutes left to do so. I will be enjoying the family break up."

My sister came to hug me. And she was crying. I had never seen her so weak just like that. I had never seen her in that situation. She said to me that they would find a way to contact me and come and meet me. She said that she would find a way to take me out of there. Even if it costs her life. While my mother was just sleepless. I was so worried about her because the doctors once told us that if she goes through stress, the cancer may reappear. She said to me that she would bring everything there for me. I could not hold my tears too. While my father was covered in blood, he said just a few words.

-"I am sorry, honey. I did not want this to happen. But I am going to fix my mess, I promise to you."

All I could hear in that moment was the Tiger laughing hysterically and just making fun of all the situation there.

-"Time is up. Now it is time to go young lady. What is your name now that you are part of the new family?"


-"Perfect, lovely. I never lose, I told you. This is a big win for me. But believe this is going to be a big win for you too. You will see that life is so beautiful and you have suffered for nothing. And you will want to come back to your old home. Because your life will be simply the best with us."

-"Can I ask you one favor Sir?"-I said.

-"Just as you wish now, tell us, what do you want?"

-"I have my friends downstairs waiting for me. Can I go and greet them before I go? I can't leave without saying goodbye to them."

-"Sure, you can do that. We will be behind you. Be careful of what you tell them though. We do not want to create a big mess here. Because if you say something inappropriate, you put your friend's life in danger. And when I say danger, I mean real danger. And you do not want to do that, right?"-said The Tiger.

-"Of course Sir. I will be very careful."-I said..