Time to say goodbye.

While we were going out of the apartment, I could see them all waiting on the other side of the street for me. I was the first one to go out and I could see them being so enthusiastic looking at me and rushed across the street to meet up with me. But as soon as I went out, the bodyguards and the Tiger were following me. At that moment all my friends stopped in confusion and I could see their faces turning from enthusiastic to what in the world is going on here. However, that did not stop them from approaching me even though I could see that they were scared that something was off at that moment. As soon as they came close to me, I just heard The Tiger behind me.

-"You know what to do. You got a few minutes to finish with them. Do whatever you want until I finish my cigar. At that moment we will leave. Okay Sonia? We will be waiting here for you."- he said while staying behind me to listen to the full conversation.

-"Sonia, how did it go? What is wrong? Did you see your father?"-said Juan while still staring at the person behind me in confusion.

-"Look guys, I will be leaving for a while as I am going to do something. It is sort of a job so do not worry about me. I will be in touch with you about it. My father was okay, he is in the apartment there with my family. All good, do not worry."- I replied.

-"But where are you going?"-asked David.

-"I am going with this man right here somewhere for a while. We got something to finish. I do not want to give you any details at the moment but I assure you everything is fine.."

I knew that they did not believe that. I knew that Juan had told them what kind of person he was. I was certain that they knew that I was in big trouble just because of my father. I could see it on their faces that they did not believe not a single word from me. But I had to pull off an act. And I also gave them some codes to know that something was wrong. But the thing I wanted the least, is for them to get involved in this situation that I was going through. No one else would be put no more in danger because of my father's actions. If I was the one to be sacrificed, I would be the only one and no other would come with me.

-"What about school? What are you going to do? We will talk about this tomorrow at school, right?"

-"As for school, you won't be going for a while. You know we need to be fully focused on this work we have to do, right? I am going to talk to the principal and there won't be a problem at all. We need full focus to accomplish our goals."-said the Tiger behind me.

-"You heard it guys. I won't be coming for a while. But I will be in touch with you to get to know what you are doing and what is going on at school. Do not worry about me. What am I doing here is the right thing and it is not something you should be worried about at all.."- I said while The Tiger touched my back to let me know I was not doing anything bad.

-"Does your family need anything at all? Can we go upstairs and bring them something of their wish? I have some things I can bring to them to relax at this moment…"-said Jason.

-"Sure you can bring them something after we leave. Let them relax for a while. Go a little bit later to meet up with them and of course do not forget to bring some of those good things you always have."-I said to Jason to warn him not to go now because things were not in the right place and order for them to get involved in this situation.

I could see them all totally worried, especially Rose. Rose knew something we did not know. I think she knew I was in big, big trouble. Or maybe that I was taken by force to repay my father's debt. She is a smart girl. She knows these types of things. She was only making eye contact with me, in order to get more and more information out of me, if I needed help to escape or if I was in real danger of my life. I knew she was quite catchy and with signs, I let her know that for the moment I was not in danger but they had to talk to my sister about it all. Me and Rose have always had some sort of secret eye communication with each other. Sometimes we would also make some mouth movements to emphasize some things to each other while we are in distance or we do not want to talk to the rest. And no one had ever understood our body language at all. I had to give them as many details as I could in order for them not to take any steps that would put them in danger too.

But I was mostly sad about David. David was sad to see me in that position, and due to his emotions, he was not understanding what was going on. But he was so worried. And I was worried if he would make any wrong move at that moment that would actually put his life in danger. I would never in a million years risk David's life or any of my friends' lives. They do not deserve to go through what I am going through. They deserve to have the best. This is my problem not theirs. This was not even my problem, but I got involved, just like in a domino effect. One after one, for years now, those Dominoes had fallen until it got to this moment. But this was not the end of all Dominoes. This was just another one that fell faster than the others. Just like physics. The first one starts falling slower but with more and more Dominoes, the pace gets faster and faster until the last one gets to fall. Now, it was the beginning of the faster falling moment of all the Dominoes. Because after this moment, one after one, they would fall so fast that no one was capable of stopping that movement. I had nothing to do at that moment but just to follow as the Dominoes fell and fell.

-"Look, if you need anything, text me or call me and I will be right where you are. You know that I am your biggest supporter. You know that I would do everything possible in this world for you. If you ever have any problems, I do not care but I will come right away, wherever you are and help you. We are going to miss you, you know that right? But do not forget to text us how you are doing and how the progress is going. I would love to know what you are doing. And I am always here for you, do not ever forget that okay?"-said David.

He came close to me and gave me a passionate kiss in front of everyone. I wish I could be there with him. I wish I could take things further with him, I wish I could spend more time and time with him, unfortunately, I would not be capable of doing that in the future. This was one of the few last moments I would feel that way with David as things would get worse and worse in the future. But to ruin that exact magical moment, there was the Tiger, who I think did not like what was going on here. He smoked the cigar and started saying:

-"Young boy, she won't need your help or any of your friends' help at all. Let me tell you something. We got all the resources for her to finish what she is supposed to do with us and she will not be in danger at all. So stop all the tragedy and drama here. Kids nowadays are so emotional that it sucks to see what kind of generation you are. There will not be any problem for her at all while staying with us. You will know very soon what she will do with us and I recommend you all not to disturb her or get into what she is doing. I would not enjoy that at all. And when I do not enjoy things, I get very mad. If I get very mad, I get angry. And if I get angry, very bad things happen. So I would prefer you all to stay calm, stay away and not worry about her. And she will be in touch with you for a while. You continue with your clueless and emotional life. I wish you good luck on that. But even luck will not be able to help. Now it is time to go. Bye bye kids. I hope that we do not come across each other again…"-as he was looking straight at David while saying this.

I was waving at them while I was entering the limo. I noticed they were sad. But David was so mad that I knew that he would do something insane later on. I have known him for years now. I know when he is mad, he is capable of doing everything, especially for what he loves most in his life. Everything got quiet inside the limo. No one was saying a single word.

-"You think that I would not notice that you and that other girl right in the back were giving signals back and forth to each other. Do you think I am dumb? But I see that you got the genes of your father now. However I would like you to know that you must play games like this again. You have to understand the position you are in right now. However I am going to tolerate this one. They are going to find out anyway. But from now on, I want you to be fully focused here. You are here to pay a debt. A debt that cost you. And this is the final time I tolerate you and your family. You know now who I am, you know how dangerous I can be if things do not go my way. But I assure you that you are not going to suffer. I do not mistreat women. I mistreat only man who are stupid and do not have the courage to do things the right way. My way."

Everything became silent again. There was not much to say from me as I was looking outside of the window and leaving behind everything. Not because I wanted to. Not because I made any mistakes that cost me this. I was at the wrong time and at the wrong moment. I could have not gone inside of the house and probably none of this would have happened. Or maybe it would have been delayed so this Domino would fall a little bit later. However, I think I was destined to end up here. Things do not happen overnight. Things take time to develop and be created. They come one after one. And at this moment I knew that the life I had before would never come back to me. I was leaving behind everything that I had built, my mother and my sister, all my friends, David, my future, just so I could complete what later would be a disastrous exchange. An exchange I did not want to be part of. I had to obey. I had to follow the rules. Or think cold blooded of a way to make things right. But I knew it would be hard. Because my father chose to mess up with the wrong person, a person that makes the Earth look like hell. And I knew it would not be easy to find a way to escape this. The Tiger is smart, he is evil and he is like a magician, always having a trick hidden.

How cruel is this. How unfair is it. But what was I supposed to do. At that specific moment, I understood that life was not fair at all. Life is not supposed to be fair. Life is almost the same as a Domino effect. The way you built the things around you, will follow with you for the rest of your life. One mistake and they start to shake. And at that moment where they start shaking, you have to be careful to hold them. Because if one of them starts falling the rest will follow, and one after one they will fall, creating a movement that sometimes can be dangerous. And what is more difficult is to find the right way to stop them from falling. This was the position I was at now. A position that I needed to find a way to make them stop falling. Maybe time will tell if there is a way to make them stop. However, now I had to deal with bigger and bigger things…