The Tiger roars.

The journey to the new place I was about to go looked like an eternity. I had all the time in the world to think about everything that had ever happened to me. And throughout that journey I had someone in front me that I knew so little about, and with time I would get to know and understand him better and better. The tiger looked like a person who had been through a lot during his life. At first glance he gives you weird vibes and his energy is scary. When you see him, you know he has not come for a good reason face to face with you. Rarely do you see him in a difficult position. Because as a leader of the mafia, he has everything in the best way.

Let me give you some of the knowledge I learned at first days about The Tiger. His father was a Russian mafia member, who came to the United States to escape some difficult situations he had in Russia. The Tiger was actually born in Russia before coming here. But his father was one of the biggest mafia leaders in Russia. Due to some conflicts, he had to escape to save his son and his family. Let me tell you the real name of The Tiger. His name is Vladimir, typical Russian name right. But I prefer to call him Sir or Tiger. No one ever calls him by his real name. He prefers people to know him by his nickname.

One of the reasons he is what he is now, is because of his father in his early days. His father trained him and learned every skill he could, starting from guns, to taekwondo, and also taught him chess and other sports that could improve his strategic thinking and his overall skills. At a very young age, The Tiger was actually called a genius by his schoolmates, as he was quite ahead of his age. The only son of the family was trained as a leader since his early days. His father continued to be a leader and also at the age of 14 to 15, the Tiger was actually a member of the group his father had. Not long after, something would happen that would turn everything upside down for him and his family.

Even though years had passed, his father still had some conflicts with another Russian gang which also had roots in the United States. And one day, out of nowhere, his father was executed with 100 and more gunshots. He was killed on the spot. The Tiger was only 18 at that moment and that was the most devastating thing that could have happened to him. Because his father was killed out of betrayal of one of his closest people. That was devastating for him and his family. At the moment his father thought that he had solved everything, he was betrayed and killed, for his place to be taken by one of his closest friends. That did not age well for his friend though. The Tiger was so mad about his father's loss and with some of his closest friends at the same age with him, they got to know who killed his father.

At the moment his fathers friend was about to take leadership, the Tiger decided to massacre him by torturing him for several days until his own death came up for days without food and water and also infection from a lot of wounds that the Tiger did to him as a revenge. He used to cut pieces of his skin and let him suffer the pain he had caused to him and his father. That behavior showed to other members what the Tiger could be in the future. He was trained perfectly by his father to be the only successor of his fortune, wealth and leadership.

But the series of deaths did not end there. The Tiger had created a group with some of his closest people and decided that he was ready to take revenge on everyone who wanted that thing to happen to his father. Some of his closest people were spies on other gang groups or knew a lot about other people. But no one knew they were so close to the Tiger. Now it was time for revenge. A revenge that would cause a series of uncountable deaths.

At first he had to take charge of his own mafia group. He did that by eliminating some members who wanted his father to be dead. And after being voted by the rest of the people as the new leader, he now formed a leadership group with his own people, worse than the people his father had. If his father was a furious person who could do insane things, the Tiger was 10 times more than that. Now that they had taken leadership of the group, they had to remove the rivals out of the picture as a revenge. What he would do next was insane. He executed every leader of his father's rival and then flew every member of their families (wife and kids) out of the country back to Russia to serve as servants. Each one of them was dead and massacred to death by the Tiger and his group. That also later in the years would be called "The Tiger's roar" massacre as the Tiger left tiger scars in the death places. Only a few people would understand who actually did that massacre. He never got caught though. He had everything prepared before. He had people in every position such as the police, hospitals, banks etc. So no one would actually catch him. Now that he had no rival, he could do anything he wanted. He took each one of their properties, holdings and whatever they had. Everything now belonged to him. He was more powerful and angrier than his father ever was. His power was so big that he had people in every single place to tell him everything, even if he was in danger. And all of them were loyal to him. Only a few disobeyed him. And what do you think happened to them? They were not told twice why they disobeyed. They were killed on the spot by the Tiger. What his father could not do as he was merciful, the Tiger was doing it.

He married one of the members of the other rival gang as she was one of the closest to the Tiger and betrayed the other gang for him. Later on they had only a child, which was named Nicholai. Everything that the Tiger was taught to do, was done by him. He had no rivals, he had no fear. His father tried to teach him but created even a bigger monster than he actually was. One thing that the Tiger will never forget, is his own father's death. If something made him who he was today, it was that specific moment. He lost his last good feelings at that specific moment and all he wanted in the next few years was to see other people suffer for their own mistakes. In his head, his father did not deserve what happened to him. His father was his idol and they took him away from him. So from the moment on, he decided to be the one who would give people what they deserved for their own actions, especially if those actions were affecting him.

I could see that on his face, with that big scar on his face, with those black eyes full of revenge for hate. He would always win. If he did not win, he would be very angry. He would do everything just to win. And in that situation by taking me, it was a win for him. A win because he had other plans for me, a win because he got what he wanted. A win because he would leave my father to suffer for his own actions in the worst possible way by taking his daughter away from him. Everyone will hate my father from now on. My sister, my mother and everyone that knew us would hate my father for what it did. He knew that by leaving him alive and not killing him on spot, taking his daughter away from him, would make my father suffer more than by torturing him or something else. The Tiger knew how to take revenge in the worst ways possible to make them suffer emotionally rather than physically. But in the bigger picture, later on, I would understand that he had everything prepared and for me, my life would not be the same as before. I told you that the Tiger is a chess player. And he had everything calculated on the spot. He was quite ahead of the others. Only in the future, I would understand that what was happening to me was planned months before, at the moment my father started doing things the wrong way. Now, I had to face everything that was about to come to me, having no power to change it.