Something is in the air..

There is a moment in life, where you have no idea what to do, you have no idea what your future will be like, you have no idea where the hell to go. And you trying to find the reason why you going through this and you can't find anything. And you feel like you aren't worth living and everything you have done is meaningless.

Well, this was the way I was feeling on that very day the strangest event on my life happened. I was alone, 5 years back in time, and with no idea of what the hell I was supposed to do. I had lost everything. Literally everything I had in my life. That exact day I kept on trying a reason to why it chose me. What did I do? What was God or whatever trying to tell me? What have I done wrong? Or what was my purpose now? What was I supposed to do? And how could I stop that event from happening again if that was the reason I had to go back 5 years in time.