Foxie who?

As I was about to check them all out, some clothes and a little bit of food, I hear Joshua saying:

-"Rough morning huh? I feel you."

I was kinda lost of words because I hadn't been talking to anyone lately. So I said:

-"You wouldn't even imagine what has happened to me…"

-"Yeah I understand, everyone has their problems that others can't understand or think of them.."

I replied back:

-"This is something that even in your deepest and worst nightmares you would never think of…"

-"Woahhh, now I'm becoming more curious and curious of what has happened.."

-"Well even If I told you, you still wouldn't believe it…"

-"You tell me first then I will decide if it's unbelievable or not.."

-"You are wasting your time with me.."-I replied back.

But Josh was so heartwarming and so nice that he kept insisting to listen to my story.