(The Ancient One.)

Chapter seventeen:

Silence, reigned, and as the minutes went by the caution devolved again into curiosity. Seeing this, Corvus relaxed and sat on the ground. He flipped his hand and his cup of coffee appeared. He took a sip and began to speak again.

"If I had to guess, you're currently in the mirror dimension." Shock was shown, but he pointed to the neck of his coffee cup at the muted aura and continued. "Then thou art either the Sorcerer Supreme or an apprentice of his. My own guess is that thou art his apprentice, but not just any. If he truly predicted mine arrival than he wouldn't trust my escort to just any hackneyed master of the mystical arts. But he also wouldn't tell thee what I am, if he even knows, he would just tell thee to be careful, so I must be just an enigma to thee as thee are to me. Judging by the reaction to mine strength, the killing intent and instant of hatred, I believe thou had been enemies to similarly mighty beings. Asgardians perhaps. More surprised." To which Corvus nodded. "Which would mean that the Norse Vikings have already invaded these lands once before. They were then repelled by probably thyself, the Sorcerer Supreme, and the king of knights." Confusion and fear began to permeate the surroundings. "I apologize, I don't mean to confuse thee or mean to cause alarm. I'm trying to make sense of where and when I am, and if thou won't come out and speak I have to make conjectures of my own. Even if they are wild assumptions."

To continue, that would put me in the eighth or ninth century anno domini. As the Vikings invaded... in the seven... nineties? However, that clashes with what I know of Arthur. The Arthur a good friend of mine made me painfully familiar with fought the Saxons in the late fifth or early sixth century of arms is legitimate, then Camelot still stands, Arthur or his reigns, the current Sorcerer Supreme is Agamotto's heir apparent. Stephen Strange. Which would make thee... the Celtic witch child that the knight was thinking so rudely of."

The feelings permeating the air were mixed. Surprised, satisfaction, and curiosity we're slowly prevailing over caution and vigilance. Suddenly, the air shimmered and a woman appeared. She had a fierce yet gentle look, long strawberry blonde hair swept back and braided intricately. Light green round eyes. Very fair pale skin, mostly covered by the same robes he was wearing. Except with more color. Corvus believed her to be a rather beautiful woman but what stunned him wasn't this. But rather her face. That face, he'd know that face anywhere.

Well, what do you know? The Ancient One. Wonder why she ever shaved her head?"

He knew what universe he was in. He was in the MCU, but over a millennium later.