(Meeting a legend.)

Chapter eighteen:

For a moment, all Corvus could do was stare blankly at this woman who would one day hold a position as one of, if not the, strongest and, more than likely, wisest entity on Earth. By the look of her, she couldn't be older than her mid-twenties. There were many things he should be doing right now, greeting her, inquiring her about Stephen Strange, wiping the stunned look off his face, anything. But no, no he seemed content to just stare at her face and hair and was stuck on the thought that she looked so much better with it than without it.

Feeling rather awkward at this point. The one day to be Ancient One couldn't help but furrow her brows and be the first to speak. "Excuse me? Art thou the one of whom mine master spoke? The powerful and wise being beyond comprehension?" If he was, she very much doubted it. He seemed just any slack jawed idiot too wrapped up in physical appearance to her. More attractive than most, but still just like the others. Powerful, and mysterious, to be sure. But beyond comprehension seemed a stretch. Wise... well, he did deduce much from what she would consider to be nothing. But the jury is officially out on that call at the moment.

Hearing her speak, same voice, but much more youthful and not as erudite, brought him out of his stupor. Embarrassed, he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly." I apologize for my rudeness. I am probably he. However, I wouldn't call myself beyond comprehension. What I am, well, perhaps may be beyond a normal humans comprehension. But as thou art probably aware of the multiverse, like Stephen Strange and thee would be able to comprehend mine existence. However, it appears that I am running off on a tangent. Thus I will end with. Hello, my name is Corvus Rigel. Might I have the pleasure of knowing yours?" Gathering himself, he crossed his right hand over his chest and gave a slight bow.

The woman regarded him for a moment, before brushing off his question and starts to walk in a direction. "Come, master instructed to bring thee before him without dallying. We will know if thou art the one once we arrived."

Still in his awkward bow, Corvus sighed and picked himself up and started to follow after her. Well, I wouldn't trust someone I just met either, especially after seeing a display of force like that. There's time though. Hell, I have nothing but time. She doesn't die until late 2016. Thinking on that though. I wonder if she's already contacted with Dormammu? As he started to get lost in thought he almost tripped over the unconscious knight.

"Excuse me, miss, but whatever should be done with this person?"

Disdain and contempt, radiated from her for a moment, and then without sparing the knight a glance she replied. "That pile of scrap can find his own way back, he was never meant to actually be the escort, just a gauge of thy temperament."

A little taken aback, Corvus figured that she was supposed to be his escort if things turned out well. "And? Have I passed this test?"

"It is yet to be seen, but the verbal lashing thou gave was well deserved and very satisfying for me so I withhold judgement for now. One question remains on the tip of my mind, how did thee know his true colors? He at least acted the part of a courteous knight."

Corvus didn't really feel any need to hide anything, since, what's the point? What could they even do if they knew? Ah, that. Well, colors is actually partially the answer. She turned to give him an incredulous and confused look." I mean it. If I wish. I can see the aura of a person and read their surface thoughts. The aura reflects a person's mood and personality and how they feel about the person they are currently perceiving. The knight had contempt and envy coloring him and he was already predisposed to disliking me. Plus his thoughts were less than savory even though his words and actions said otherwise."

"I see... and I suppose this is how you could see me and gauge my reactions within the mirror dimension?"


"Then what am I feeling now?" She stopped as they were about to cross onto a path into the nearby woodlands. Corvus looked upon her face and saw several shades of orange dominating her. Showing him interest, anticipation, but also ever present vigilance. Underlying that, there was a golden hue where the knights grey was, showing that leaned more towards thinking of him in a positive manner. He smiled and relayed this to her. A light green of amazement colored her but then a pale yellow of acceptance replaced it.

"And mine thoughts?" He once again looked at her and reached out with his mind. However, unlike the knight, there seemed to be a barrier of sorts around her mind. He felt like he could break it, easily, but didn't want to. He wanted her to trust him. It wouldn't bode well for him if he just barged into someone's mind whenever he pleased.

"Thine thoughts are thy own. I shall not pry. They mind has been ensorcelled with a protection of some kind. I can break it. However, I will not. I don't want to delve where I'm unwelcome, not to a person I have no cause to do so." He walked ahead leaving her there. He could see a flash of goldenrod from her as he passed gratefulness. She caught up after a moment and they walked through the forest path together.