(The tail of the One Above All.)

Chapter nineteen:

Thus, with no small amount of excitement, Corvus walked forward to the man, took the man's hand into his own and shook it. "It is an absolute honor to meet thee, sir." Said Corvus.

"Nay, Absolute One, the pleasure is most certainly mine. I take it that I am the first Merlin that thou hast met so far?" Replied Merlin.

"Absolute One?" Said Corvus. Merlin's young apprentice mulled over this term of address, she brought her hand up to her chin and thought on it. She started scrutinizing Corvus intently, trying to see what her master was somehow able to see in me.

"Oh, thou flatters me. I am nowhere near absolute yet. But yes, thou art the first Merlin that I have met." Said Corvus he then released Merlin's hand and stepped back to give him some room to breathe. "Be cool. Remember, although he is Merlin, he is also a man. You've met so many actor's and celebrities at Comic con, just treat this like that... Damnit now I wish I had something for him to sign." Said Corvus as he thought about using his abilities for it, but he wasn't sure how long such a thing would last. He was initially shocked that Merlin knew so much about him, but as a holder of the time stone and seasoned Sorcerer Supreme, it made sense that he knew as much as he did.

Merlin then chuckled warmly. "I see. I suppose thou art correct, thou art rather young for being what thou art, so it stands to reason that thou would not be wholly nigh- omnipotent at this point in time. However I believe we have let young Aife be in the dark long enough. May I do the honor's?" Said Merlin.

Corvus nodded with a warm smile. "Finally, I got a name, hahaha can't wait to rub this in Mordo's and Stephen's faces in the future." Corvus said to himself.

"Better from thee than from me. She would take thy word over mine for certain." Replied Merlin.

Losing the warm smile. Merlin turned to his young apprentice. "Recount all that thee know about the creation of the universe." Said Merlin.

Aife then looked at both Corvus and Merlin for a moment. Confused at the question, but geared up to answer anyway. She then squared her arms and said. "At the beginning there was a world which already existed, the World Before. A being wished for it's destruction in order to create something new. In order to create the new phenomenon, it required the energy used to fuel the world. Thus the right ancient gods. Oblivion, Death, the Phoenix Force, Lord Chaos, Master Order, Infinity, Eternity, and the Living Tribunal came together in order to bring about that beings will. However, there was a man there, in the World Before, who got wind of it, and tried his best to prevent the world's destruction. He tried everything, but he ultimately failed. The world was destr, and the energy was then harnessed by the ancient gods in order to bring about the Big Bang. This created six singularities. These singularities each held a piece of what makes up our universe, and were forged by the ancient gods to become solid manifestations of what they represented. They became known as the Infinity Stone's. Power, Mind, Soul, Space, and Reality. Thus, the universe, with the backbone that is the Infinity Stone's, was born. However, the man who fought for the World Before's survival was accidentally infused with cosmic energy, and became something more. The ancient gods forced upon him a purpose which was to recycle old, energy rich planets in order to prepetuate the universes. And so was Galactus born a lesser god, and he reluctantly continues his mission to this day with the his herald's. The Big Bang also gave birth to many different dimensions of power, and multidimensional beings, from whence we as sorcerer's, draw power for our mage craft. Hence came the birth of the multiverse." Said Aife.

Merlin then nodded and smiled at her knowledge. "Yes, that is indeed what is recorded within the tombs of our library. And is indeed the truth... for our universe." Replied Merlin.

Aife's brows furrowed in confusion. "What dost thou mean, Master?" She said.

"What I mean is that it isn't the whole truth. The multiverse does not refer to just the extra dimensions from which we draw power for our spells, and alternate timelines do not account for the multiverse at all. They are just extra parts of our own universe. Nay, the multiverse is much more than that. They are entirely different realities. Almost completely separated from our own. Without the Web of Life we would not even about their existence. Each of those realities are formed by the ancient gods thee spoke of but with difference's for each one. However, to get to the point. The being which bade the ancient gods to do their work. That being, known to us only as the One Above All, created the ancient gods and is the vessel which all other reside within, including our own." Replied Merlin.

Feeling a little faint at this new information, Aife began to stumble. She was then caught by Corvus who materialized a chair out of thin air for her. Noticing him, she realized that there was an unanswered question. "So what does this have to do with Corvus?" Said Aife.

"Ah, so that is thy name. I am honored to have heard." Replied Corvus. Merlin then nodded at him before continuing. "It has everything to do with him, as he is the progeny of the One Above All, the source of our realities and other realities. And one day far into the future, will be just as powerful " Said Merlin.

Now Aife was more grateful for the chair, as she definitely would have stumbled at that. She then looked at Corvus with a awe plastered on her face. Corvus then smiled at her wearily in response. Aife then remembered something he said earlier....

"I'm certain my parent is loving hearing me say this, but I can't help but admit that what she has made is perfect." Corvus said to himself.

"Sister Scathach, just what in the nine hells have I gotten myself into?" Replied Aife.