(A bit of a flirtation.)

Chapter twenty:

"Hmm, Camelot is so far away that he has to use portals?" Corvus asked Aife

"Nay, master just has a flair for dramatics and enjoys making an entrance. Camelot is close to where we had met, it is under magical wards that make it indistinguishable from the surrounds. In this way, it is safe from it's enemies." Replied Aife.

"Enemies... Like Morgen le Fey or Mordred?" Said Corvus.

The young woman shuddred at the mention of the names. Fear emanated from her in waves and Corvus's eyes widened. He started to regret mentioning them. Aife then turned to him and asked shakily. "What does thou know of them? How?"

Seeing her discomfort he was hesitant to speak. However, he eventually said. "Ah... uh... well. I am a being outside of your time. I guess, is the best explanation I can give for now. But from what I recall, Morgan le Fey is an immortal half- faerie half- human who is also the half- sister to King Arthur. To take away his kingdom and plung it into chaos and then rule over the known world in her utmost desire. At one point, she magically disguised herself as Queen Guinevere, and well, had relations with King Arthur, and gave birth to the bastard Mordred. Both of them are adept with magic and would stop at nothing to unsurp King Arthur's throne and rule the world. Is... that accurate?" He could see her state worsening as he spoke. So he had cautiously raised his question and looked upon her with concern.

She lowered her head, and in a small voice, whispered... yes." Then Aife's mind went someone else, she was a young girl again. Bodies were strewn all around her in so many pieces, viscera and bone litter the once lush green field's of her village, smoke and ash in the air, blood flowing like rivers. A woma's cackling laughter approaching her as a shadow approaches. The only thing that was standing between her and death was a valiant spear woman wielding her famed weapon Gae Bulg. Aife's elder sister. With a mighty cry the Gaelic maiden rushes into the darkness, flashes of light, denoting each swing and a thrust of her indomitable spear. Then... silence. The darkness dissipates and there is no more presence's around to save for herself. Young Aife weeps and cries for her sibling, searching, before eventually collapsing from hunger and exhaustion.



"Aife!" Said Corvus.

Broken from her waking nightmare, she realized that she was on her knees, being shook by the shoulders as an bronze gaze filled with worry sought a confirmation of her well being. Startled, she got up and dusted her robe off. She wore a stoic expression on her face as she turned to Corvus and spoke.

"My apologies... Now I'll show thee to thy quarters." Replied Aife as she almost flew from the room to escape from the inevitable questions, at least for now. Corvus, however, was not so insensitive as to bring it up again and filled it away as something he should ask Merlin about rather than her. He sighed, rose, and followed her out of the door. Once he caught up with her he walked with her in silence.

Seeing no desire to converse on her face, he sighed and instead took in his surroundings. The hall they were walking in was made of stone, with polished floors and metal brazier's at regular intervals, there was bricks in the left wall large enough for an archer to fit his bow and snipe at an approaching enemy, but still enough to make a retaliatory shot rather difficult. On the right wall was larger windows facing a rather large courtyard, within it was a small grove of topiary and flowers, each shaped like a different mythological creature. Unicorns, dragons, a satyr, within a water feature. In the small pond was several bloomed water lillies. Further in the center of the courtyard was a raised platform. Upon which he could see several figures doing what looked like to be martial arts forms, every so often a flash of sparks or a magical circle became apparent.

After a few minutes of walking, Corvus refocused on his companion. He then decided to try and break the awkwardness that has lasted since her previous collapse. He thought and drank his cup of coffee. With a start he seemed to have a decision and then tapped her on the shoulder. Aife then turned around to face him and saw a flourish in his hand. A rainbow materialized above his palm which then swirled into the aurora borealis. It flashed many brilliant colors, and then, with another flip of his fingers, a rose with petals of the same colors as the aurora materialized. The colors shifted around gradually and brilliantly. Holding it between his thumb and forefinger, Corvus stuck it in Aife's long brown ponytail.

Stunned, Aife then looked at him with caution. Corvus continued to look at Aife and seeing his insistence, she then thanked him for the rose. After a few moments passed, Aife looked to the mysterious being at her side and raised an eyebrow in question. Corvus rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, took a sip of his coffee, and then stated a prepared excuse. "I would like your help with an experiment. I don't know how long my constructions can last, so I would like you to keep it. Please let me know if it ever disappears." Said Corvus.

Aife then furrowed her brow in thought. "Is he... trying to flirt with me? If so, it's a rather blunt attempt, and unnecessary... but.

"I shall, if for no other reason than to study thy capabilities." Replied Aife. She then constructed a small portal and placed the rose in a vase on the other end of it. Aife then looked upon it once more before she closed the portal and let out a small smile flit on her expression before returning to her professional demeanor. Significantly more composed now, if her aura was any indication, Aife began to walk once more.