Chapter 12

Seated with her back glued to the trunk of a tree, Kelly is lost in thought. She didn't expect to suddenly find herself alone when she thought she was doing well on both sides. Finally, Anais categorically refuses to speak to her following her position on the Amber case while Chelsea, hurt by her way of acting earlier, does not want to see her, not having yet digested their reaction. What hurts her more is the fact that neither of them seems to feel her absence. As nobody is interested in her, Kelly goes away without being able to hold back her tears. Being always pensive, she does not realize that she is engulfed in the forest. After more than twenty minutes of walking, she regains her senses when she hears the sound of a pickaxe hitting a stone. Stopping, she wonders if it's a good idea to approach, being in a bikini. However, being hungry and thirsty, she realizes that might be the best thing to do. Curious, she walks towards the sound, trying not to make a sound. About half a mile away, she sees a young man in a tank top and shorts who seems to have buried something and is filling the hole.

- "It seems that this island is not as deserted as we thought after all," she realizes, hidden behind a tree. "If I was better dressed or if there was another girl with me, I could have approached her!" He's still a handsome guy!

Not knowing what to do, the girl stays behind the tree, trying to make up her mind. However, she does not realize that the young man has changed his position and that now he has her in his field of vision and he takes her out of his thoughts.

- Hi, he says suddenly, looking at her as he got closer without her realizing it.

- Hi, she answers instantly, starting to blush.

- Allow me to be a little indiscreet; you're from here?

Captivated by the beauty of the one standing in front of her, Kelly cannot say a word, responding simply by moving her head from side to side.

- How did you end up here in this case?

- It's because of the storm yesterday, she answers with a shy smile.

- Ah, I understand better. Are you fine? The young man looks her up and down to make sure she isn't hurt. By the way, I'm Joey Winters.

- A little tired, but that's okay. I'm Kelly Reid. I apologize for the dress.

- It doesn't matter.

- Hey, is it normal that there's no one here?

- Yes, it is. You're alone?

To this question, the young lady thinks quickly and, given the way she was treated, she decides to play the lie card.

- Yes, I am alone.

- Since you're tired, would you like to come to my place? I'll tell you what happened and, in the meantime, I'll prepare you something to eat. What do you say?

- I say that it's rather cheeky of you to invite me to your house when we've only just met. "Why did I reproach him? What else could he do? Besides, I'll have to accept, especially since I'm hungry and thirsty. It wouldn't hurt to take a shower too…" I apologize. I do not know what happened to me. I accept your invitation with pleasure.

- I understand that you refuse to come to my house. I was clumsy on that one and I apologize. Since you're tired, I thought it might do you some good.

- I did not expect to find myself here and, to make matters worse, I was convinced that this island was deserted. For a girl who can't manage on her own, guess what trouble I found myself in. I don't know that she bit me for answering you like that. Instead of being sissy, I should rather thank you for your hospitality…

- I understand you perfectly. Maybe when you know, you'll understand…

- Know what?

- I know you…

- Really? Have we met before?

- The beauty contests. Seeing you, I thought it couldn't be real.

- The beauty pageant was broadcast here too? she wonders.

- I've been following the Miss Heartland pageant since I was little and, by coincidence, you're my favorite…

- You're only telling me that because I'm here in front of you, aren't you?

- I'm serious! I find you very beautiful, graceful and, moreover, you speak well. You were very supported here. Besides, I know quite a few people who would have voted for you. The day I tell my friends I met you, they'll never believe me.

- And even less that I'm going to stay with you! she continues with a smile.

- What happened? How did you end up here?

- Each year, the finalists spend their last moment together on a yacht. We were out at sea when, apparently, a storm developed. She made us capsize. To tell the truth, many of us have found ourselves prisoners on this island. Following an argument, I moved away and I don't really want to see them again for the moment.

- Are you all here?

The young man does not believe his ears.

- Unfortunately, not all of them. Some are untraceable while a few are dead.

- It's sad what happened to you. If one day someone had told me that I would meet the finalists of a beauty contest, I would never have believed it…

- You've never met any?

- I'm not one to travel and, as it's not a known destination, a Miss has never come here.

- Precisely, what is the problem with this island? Why do I have the impression that except for my colleagues, myself and you, there is no one here?

Kelly did not expect to make such a great find. Before the young man has time to answer, the young lady tries to step over a large stone and, with the rain which fell a little earlier and the seaweed which is still wet, she slips, loses her balance and falls. As she tries to get up, she is seized with severe pain in her foot.

- Ouch! My ankle!

- Let me see, he says running to her bedside. The good news is that it's not broken, but you bent it. So, you can't walk.

- I'm still not going to stay here!

- Of course not. I will carry you. When we get home, I'm going to bandage your ankle and give you tranquilizers. It suits you?

- Perfectly, she answers with a smile.

- Hold on to me, but you might hurt while I'm going to get you up.

After warning the young lady that she might be in pain, Joey takes her in his arms and she cannot help writhing in pain. Not moving for a moment while she recovers, he moves again as soon as the pain subsides. As he walks, he pays attention to what he is doing to keep her from having more pain. Meanwhile, Kelly is touched by so much kindness but, since they have only just met, she keeps this comment to herself. After five minutes of walking, Joey arrives at his destination and, as soon as he opens the main door, he takes her to his room and puts her on his bed.

- Is this your room? she wonders, while she expected to be placed on a sofa.

Joey nods in agreement before slipping away for a moment, time to go to the bathroom where he takes tranquilizers before returning to the bedroom with a glass of water and handing them to Kelly.

- Here, drink this. You'll feel better afterwards…

- Thank you. Kelly takes the medicine and she puts it in her mouth before taking the glass of water and drinking. Where are you going to sleep?

- Don't worry. I will not sleep on the bed. I brought you here because the bed is more comfortable. It will be better for your ankle than sleeping on a hard surface. Anyway, I'll be next. If you need anything, all you have to do is ask.

- It's super nice to take care of me like you do, she said with a smile.

- It pleases me. At least I have some company. I was afraid to stay alone here…

- What do you mean?

- I lived with my grandfather. He was the one who raised me. He died this morning and I was finishing burying him before I saw you.

- I'm really sorry; I didn't know… Was he sick?

- He was one hundred and two years old… He died peacefully in his sleep.

- He had a good life then! she says suddenly.

- Can I tell you that, in addition to what happens with the island tomorrow? I don't feel up to talking about it today.

- No worries. If I had known earlier what you were doing, I would have had the decency not to broach the subject with you. By any chance, do you know what time it is?

- Of course, it's one o'clock. I looked at the clock as I entered the living room. Now, if you want to know the time and I'm not here, just open my dresser drawer and you'll find a watch.

- Great, thank you.

- Is your ankle better?

- Yes, the pain is less and less present.

Following this response, Joey disappears once more for a short time before returning with a bandage and oil in his hands. Then, sitting down near the twisted foot, which he delicately takes in his hands, he pours a little oil on the part that has turned blue and begins to rub it. Feeling a little pain, Kelly closes her eyes, but lets it go. As the young man rubs her foot, the pain fades, drastically relieving the young lady. After about fifteen minutes, he wraps the ankle in bandage.

- You did me a lot of good! I no longer have pain.

- It relieves, but avoid doing too many movements today. It would be better if you rested. You should be on your feet in two days. When you wake up tomorrow, you'll find a cane by your side to help you get around. Do you want a duvet to cover yourself with?

- I would have especially loved to take a shower, but it will not be possible for today. So, I'm going to settle for a very cozy bed and a duvet, she replies with a smile.

- You're super beautiful and you have a wonderful smile… I think I'm going to fall in love quickly, he says, which immediately makes Kelly smile. Do you want to eat something?

- Oh yes! If it were up to me, I'd swallow an elephant whole.

- Are you hungry too?

- You have no idea how much! Our last meal was last night. Afterwards, we woke up on this island and we walked to try to find the missing ones, but in vain.

- There's no problem, my pretty… Hey, will you allow me to call you that?

- Of course, she answers with a smile. As you take good care of me, I owe you that, she continues.

- As I told you, I have a few things from yesterday in the fridge. Do you want to eat this or would you rather I cook you something special?

- If you don't have anything peanut-based in your fridge, that's fine with me. I'm allergic to it…

- Are you serious? wonders Joey. This is the case for me too. All right, I'll bring your food and a glass of strawberry juice right away. "I hope I'm not overdoing it at the moment. It would be great if a girl like her agreed to be my girlfriend.

Before leaving, Joey approaches the bed, bends down, opens a drawer and pulls out a duvet. Then, he puts it delicately on Kelly whereas this one looks at him with an attentive glance followed by a smile. Not expecting to be pampered so much, she wonders if it's really worth going back to the girls who, for the moment, are doing nothing better than looking for ways to ruin Amber's life.