Chapter 13

Noemi is lost in thought. She can't get the image of the building she has spotted out of her head. However, as the other two agreed that it would be better to get everyone together before going there, she agreed to play the game. Aurore and Brooklyn gossip a little ahead of time along the beach with their feet in the water, they get to know each other, since they haven't really talked during the contest, the youngest persists in staying in withdrawal. As they move forward, the waves gently crash over their feet when suddenly Brooklyn starts screaming before hopping out of the water on one foot and sitting down on the sand one little further.

- What's going on? Noemi runs up, surprised.

- Something stung my foot... It hurts atrociously fucking! Brooklyn can't stop crying.

Wanting to know what could have stung her friend to the point of hurting her so badly, the youngest approached the water and tried to see what was there. If at first glance she sees nothing, she observes a little more when she sees a stonefish moving away from the edge.

- Do you see something? Aurore asks as she joins her.

- I see a strange fish going away. Look there... Noemi points to the animal with her finger.

- Shit. A stonefish...

- A stonefish? I heard about it! It's the most venomous fish in the world as far as I understand.

- It is indeed the case, resumes the one who knows about it.

- She's going to die? Noemi panics suddenly.

- Calm down, let's see. Very few people have died from stonefish stings. On the other hand, she will have excruciating pain. Is the group still far away? asks Aurore.

- About a kilometer from here...

- In that case, help me carry her. Maybe there will be someone out there who knows what to do.

Approaching Brooklyn, Noemi finds it very difficult to see her suffer so much. Immediately, her eyes fill with tears, and moments later she notices that the part where Brooklyn got stung is starting to swell and turn black. Not wanting to alarm her friend, she throws a look of distress at Aurore who does not have the same delicacy.

- That's not a good sign. I have a feeling your body is reacting very badly to the Brooklyn venom. Can you stand up?

- No, I can't move my foot. The pain is unbearable and I'm starting to feel dizzy.

- Can you help me carry it? Aurore asks Noemi. Hopefully there will be one of the girls who knows what to do.

- Gabriella is a nurse, but she's not with us... Unless Kelly. If I'm not mistaken, she lives near the coast.

As the state of Brooklyn deteriorates visibly, the girls pick her up by the arm, each on one side and they carry her to the others. It takes them at least thirty minutes to reach their destination. Seeing them arrive, Brittany, Anais and Jessica run to lend a hand and put her down on the grass, leaning her back against a tree.

- What happened? Jessica asks them. How does she return to this state?

- We were walking in the water and she stepped on a stonefish, says Aurore. Since then, his condition has steadily worsened.

- In the state she is in, she should absolutely see a doctor, but there is none here.

- Noemi, says Brooklyn weakly.

- Yes, she answers, going immediately to his bedside.

- I want to thank you.

- Thank me? wonders the youngest. Why is that?

- For being such a good friend...

- Why do I feel like you're saying goodbye?

- Because it is, Brooklyn answers. I feel more and more weak.

- Stop it now! Noemi's eyes fill with tears and they quickly run down her cheeks. I forbid you to leave me, do you hear me?

Even before Noemi has an answer, she sees her friend lean over before her head rests on her shoulder. Understanding what has just happened, the youngest cries hot tears. Preferring to leave her alone, the girls, except for Aurore, let her let off steam. A few minutes later, the young lady approaches her to try to console her, especially since she manages to do nothing but cry.

- I'm really sorry Noemi.

- What did I do for the spell to hound me in this way? After Jennifer, now I'm losing Brooklyn. It is not possible! I must be in a nightmare. Noemi bursts into tears once again.

- It hurts me a lot to see you in this state...

- Can you leave me alone for a moment? I want to stay with her for a bit.

- There's no problem...

At the youngest's request, Aurore gets up and walks away. Meanwhile, Amber, who has heard that her friend has returned, sets out to find her, and along the way, Amber sees her. Mad with joy, she runs to her friend and hugs her for a long time to such an extent that tears of joy run down her cheek.

- You have no idea how happy I am to see you again. You missed me so much.

- I missed you a lot too, Aurore told her with a big smile when they couldn't let go.

- How are you? Girls don't bother you too much?

- Looks okay. Chelsea accepted me and it's partly thanks to her that the others talk to me. She offered me her friendship. It's really nice, I think.

- That's cool! At least you didn't have to be alone.

- That doesn't mean I feel good. I told him about my secret. Anyway, I didn't have much choice; she found me in tears.

- Are you sure she won't tell anyone?

- She assured me that I could trust her. Anyway, I had to do it; I was so bad... I still feel bad by the way. I miss Sophia so much. I don't even know if she's okay... Chelsea advised me to prepare for the worst.

- Unfortunately, she's right. It will be much too hard for you if you learn it on the job. I was so afraid that you were on your own. I'm relieved that's not the case. Do you intend to go looking for him?

- I do, but I don't know where to start yet.

- I don't think it's for now…

- And why not? Amber asks her. I prefer to go there before it's too late.

- Noemi discovered a house. We picked you up with the intention of getting back on the road right away, but unfortunately Brooklyn died on the way. I think she'll talk about it as soon as she feels better.

- Why do I have to wait? You just have to go your way and then I'll join you.

- Will you join us? Aurore has fun. Can you tell me how you will know where to find us?

- I hadn't thought of that. To tell you frankly, it's the least of my worries. All I care about is finding Sophie.

- I'm going to accompany you… Aurore offers him.

- I refuse.

- Why? she wonders.

- Have you seen yourself? You are dying of fatigue. It would be unfair of me to let you accompany me when the ideal for you would be to rest.

- Oh! Because you're going to make me believe that you're not tired?

- I had time to rest, unlike you.

- It's not wrong, but I don't want to let you go alone. I will never forgive myself if something happens to you.

- What could happen to me?

- I know how much you care about Sophie and I don't want you to do something wrong in case of bad news.

- Don't worry, Amber reassures her. If you prefer, I'll ask Chelsea to come with me.

- That's better. It's true that then I'll feel a little more reassured…

- Every time I think back to everything that we've been through together, Sophie and I, my eyes immediately fill with tears…

- He doesn't don't be sad my dear. Now that I think about it, you realize that by following the others, you may be getting closer to Sophie without knowing it!

- You're right, Amber realizes. I didn't think of that actually.

- Did you talk about your problem with Jessica?

- I dare not approach her.

- And why so?

- Because she's always with the others…

- I still don't see where the problem is.

- In fact, Noemi said loud and clear when we got together that it would have been better for me to die instead of the others. The girls, with the exception of Chelsea, agreed.

- Jessica didn't say anything?

- She wasn't there…

- Noemi said it in my presence too when she learned of Jennifer's death and I asked her not to make this kind of comment in my presence anymore.

- So, it will also be my fault if Brooklyn died then.

- There's something I want to know. Now that Chelsea is your friend, are Kelly and Anais also getting closer to you?

- That would have been nice. They won't allow Chelsea to see me, so they've turned their backs on her. Then, I don't know what happened, but Kelly tried to approach Chelsea, but she didn't want to know. Since then, I haven't seen Kelly.

- I had my doubts about Chelsea, but if she alienated her friends, it's because she means you no harm. I will also have a conversation with others. It's high time they left you alone.

- Don't worry; will go. We knew that by doing so, the backlash would have been terrible. I must consider myself lucky that Chelsea is on my side.

- Tell me how it happened. What, she decided she wouldn't blame you like that?

- We talked about it for a long time because I couldn't trust him either. She explained to me that she understood that I was hiding something. She read me like a book, by the way. I didn't want to tell her about Sophie, but she knew that everything I said to her wasn't what really bothered me.

- When I was alone, I was really afraid that you would find yourself alone in front of others, because I know that you are not really bad, and I was afraid that you could not defend yourself. I will certainly not forget to thank her. Alright, let's get back to the others before they say I didn't come to say hello. Everything is good to be talked about these days. Who knows? They will surely make me happy too for being on your side.

- Aurore, Amber suddenly stops her as her friend was already starting to walk. Do you think Sophie is still alive?

- To answer you yes would result in letting you harbor false illusions. So, I'm going to do like Chelsea and ask you to expect the worst.

- Thank you for being sincere... Amber told him simply, trying to give him a smile.

This was clearly not the answer Amber was looking for. Suddenly, the young lady cannot hold back her tears as they advance towards the group. Moments later, the tears are gone, but the sadness is still visible on Amber's face. Noticing this, Chelsea approaches to find out what is going on.

- Hey Amber. It's nice to see you again.

- Thank you, Chelsea.

- It's okay Amber, asks her friend immediately. You haven't had any bad news, I hope?

- No… Like you, I asked him to expect the worst. As we are in the background, I want to thank you for being on his side.

- It's normal, let's see…

- I entrust her to you. I will greet the others.

As announced, Aurore goes to greet the girls and, contrary to what she thought, she is rather well received by the others. A few minutes later, a completely demoralized Noemi returns to the girls. She took the time to cover Brooklyn with sand and say a final goodbye. As she is unable to speak, Aurore explains to the others what the youngest has discovered. Excited, Jessica agrees to take the risk and they immediately set off, for fear of finding themselves in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, without realizing that Kelly is missing.